The best thing about my school is the diversity. In a city where we have people from all around the world, attending a University where the diversity is one of the attributes, it opens up a whole new world. The diversity of the campus isnt limited to the skin tone or the places they were born, but it also includes the amount of perspectives the students are able to access. Those different world views is what really makes the university special and interesting.
To me, the best thing about my school is its Jesuit foundation. This background means that the importance of social justice and the necessity of helping others is impressed upon all the students. Regardless of religious affliation, USF students take on a curriculum that is designed to create "men and women for others". I'm proud to go to a school that places such a high importance of being global citizens ready to make a postive impact.
There is lots of diversity. There are many sexual orientations, backgrounds, lifestyles, races, and ethnicities. I think that having a diverse group of people is really important when you are getting a college experience because the real world and the work world is full of diversity. A diverse college is a place where you can experience diversity first hand and learn to embrace it. Learning to work with people whom are different from you is essential to making it in the working world. Diversity also allows us to learn from other people's experiences that we ourselves may never have.
The best thing about University of San Francisco is the location. There might not be much to do on campus, but once out in the city there are endless possibilities. It is a huge cultural center and never has a dull moment.
The best thing about my school is the abundance of friendly people. They make everything else worth while. The city is also an amazing and provides students with places to get away from school.
The best thing is that the class sizes are small and this way the teachers get to know you better and by name. Also its close to home, but not that far, so I can still go home often.
The best thing about my school is the small class size -- this way I get to know my professors one-on-one and am able to ask questions directly to them and get answers; I cannot learn in large classroom environments.