University of Southern California Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at University of Southern California? Is this stereotype accurate?


I'm sure if you're thinking of attending USC, you have heard of the of University of Spoiled Children. This label may be true for some students, there are bound to be a few at any private university, but overall the campus is full of such diversity it is impossible to say that we are just a bunch of "rich kids". In fact, USC helps students pay for their college tuition with prestigious scholarships and grants that can range from a few thousand dollars to full tuition. Many of the people that I know on campus have some form of scholarships or at least work study. With work study, you can get a job on campus that helps pay for part of your tuition! Furthermore, USC pushes for students who aren't working on campus to get jobs and internships during the school year. You can't be spoiled if you're working this hard!


I'm sure if you're thinking of attending USC, you have heard of the of University of Spoiled Children. This label may be true for some students, there are bound to be a few at any private university, but overall the campus is full of such diversity it is impossible to say that we are just a bunch of "rick kids". In fact, USC helps students pay for their college tuition with prestigious scholarships and grants that can range from a few thousand dollars to full tuition. Many of the people that I know on campus have some form of scholarships or at least work study. With work study, you can get a job on campus that helps pay for part of your tuition! Furthermore, USC pushes for students who aren't working on campus to get jobs and internships during the school year. You can't be spoiled if you're working this hard!


The stereotype that has always followed USC students is that of spoiled rich kids. That is how everyone outside the university sees us: the University of Spoiled Children. The truth is that the only people that seem to matter on campus are the jocks and the Greeks. Everybody else, there is no stereotype for them. If there is, its not really discussed or talked about but everybody has their own stereotypes on the jocks and Greeks. These are the common stereotypes that dominate outside of those two circles. Although, they are not necessarily true. The jocks: Seen as gods (football players). Cocky and arrogant. Stick together. Think they are better because they play on a USC team. Frat boys: Party hard. Have the best parties. Get the most girls. Jerks. Sorority girls: Snobby and stuck up. Only hang out with other frat guys or jocks. Stick together. mean and exclusive.


When the average American hears the word "USC," images of football often rise up first in their minds. It is true that USC is a big sport school. A huge part of our campus culture revolves around our football team, and game days are always crazy, with current students and alumni alike celebrating all over campus. Another common stereotype is that USC is loaded with rich kids. However, both stereotypes are very limiting and misleading. While USC does embrace its sports culture, the school also boasts its already strong and still growing academic strength. Music is also popular here, with weekly live music on campus, and aspiring musicians holding events throughout the year. Visions and Voices hosts a plethora of arts, music, and literary events, with world-renowned speakers, artists, musicians, and authors. USC Spectrum is another organization that hosts a number of art/music-related events. The stereotype that USC is filled with rich and spoiled kids is completely false and misleading. While the school does have a number of well-off students, there is definitely not a "rich-society" culture. In any class, you can find students from all walks of life. I've personally met students that were very well-off and students who were depending entirely on financial aid. With almost 3,000 students matriculating each year, it's impossible to have a homogenous student population. You can find people from all walks of life here.


When the average American hears the word "USC," images of football often rise up first in their minds. It is true that USC is a big sport school. A huge part of our campus culture revolves around our football team, and game days are always crazy, with current students and alumni alike celebrating all over campus. Another common stereotype is that USC is loaded with rich kids. However, both stereotypes are very limiting and misleading. While USC does embrace its sports culture, the school also boasts its already strong and still growing academic strength. Music is also popular here, with weekly live music on campus, and aspiring musicians holding events throughout the year. Visions and Voices hosts a plethora of arts, music, and literary events, with world-renowned speakers, artists, musicians, and authors. USC Spectrum is another organization that hosts a number of art/music-related events. The stereotype that USC is filled with rich and spoiled kids is completely false and misleading. While the school does have a number of well-off students, there is definitely not a "rich-society" culture. In any class, you can find students from all walks of life. I've personally met students that were very well-off and students who were depending entirely on financial aid. With almost 3,000 students matriculating each year, it's impossible to have a homogenous student population. You can find people from all walks of life here.


When the average American hears the word "USC," images of football often rise up first in their minds. It is true that USC is a big sport school. A huge part of our campus culture revolves around our football team, and game days are always crazy, with current students and alumni alike celebrating all over campus. Another common stereotype is that USC is loaded with rich kids. However, both stereotypes are very limiting and misleading. While USC does embrace its sports culture, the school also boasts its already strong and still growing academic strength. Music is also popular here, with weekly live music on campus, and aspiring musicians holding events throughout the year. Visions and Voices hosts a plethora of arts, music, and literary events, with world-renowned speakers, artists, musicians, and authors. USC Spectrum is another organization that hosts a number of art/music-related events. The stereotype that USC is filled with rich and spoiled kids is completely false and misleading. While the school does have a number of well-off students, there is definitely not a "rich-society" culture. In any class, you can find students from all walks of life. I've personally met students that were very well-off and students who were depending entirely on financial aid. With almost 3,000 students matriculating each year, it's impossible to have a homogenous student population. You can find people from all walks of life here.


Yes, this stereotype is partly true. USC students do tend to be from the wealthier half of the socioeconomic bell curve distribution, but that's usually the case for most decent private schools (even some public). And just because they have money and are white does not mean they are all snobby. I have also met many people who receive money from the school to lessen their burden for paying for school which I think is awesome. Also USC is an incredibly diverse campus with just about every ethnicity represented. I was a big football fan coming in to the school and now am less excited that may be because of the sanctions or just a lack of enthusiasm from the student body which kinda sucks because most people would kill to have a team that is as good currently and historically as USC's football team. USC is in the Ghetto, but it's never bothered me and I ended up calling the area my home.