University of Southern California Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Southern California know before they start?


Apply early to this school for scholarships


The best way to find out more about a school is to experience it first-hand. Visit the campus, talk with professors and students, and sit in on a class. Meet others who are studying what you're thinking of studying. Find out what clubs interest you. Imagine being at the school for 4 years, or however long your degree will take. This hands-on interaction is the only way you'll be able to know for yourself just how good the school is for you. You should ask existing students your questions. Don't be shy. Whatever concerns you, whatever you think of, just ask them and be open-minded. Try not to let pre-conceived notions about the school cloud your vision. There are lots of college reviews out there, but none can compare to your own insight. Think of where you'll spend the most time, and spend time there, seeing what the environment is like. It might not be fun to sit in on classes, but you'll be taking a lot of classes if you end up attending the school. See if you like the ambience, and pick the school that's best for you.


Applying to and choosing a college is not easy and not always fun, but it can be. My best advice to you is to physically visit the colleges that have programs you're interested in. I completely changed my mind about schools after being on campus. Talk to students when you're there. Tour guides are always helpful, but try to talk to other students on campus as well. Ask lots of questions. Being a tour guide myself I have heard every question from what dorms are like to how many windows are on campus. Don't be shy! That applys to when you actually get to college as well. Introduce yourself to people and ask dorm-mates to go to the cafeteria with you. Everyone there is looking to make friends. If you take the initiative, trust me it will pay off and people will appreciate that they didn't have to be the ones to start the conversation. College is amazing, so do your research, visit campuses, and hopefully one day you'll be at the school of your dreams!


In terms of finding the perfect college, make sure to visit different college campuses so you can explore and develop a criteria for what you like and dislike. It is also important to keep your options open during your college search. Over the course of my three years in a university, I have observed other students' study habits to see how I could modify my own to better succeed in class. In doing so, I have learned that it is beneficial to research the professor beforehand, getting tips on how to best succeed in their course. Another point to know is that success comes in knowing your class standing and setting high goals for yourself. By keeping track of your grade in the class, you can determine what you need to do to get an A. In striving for the A, always know that the professors are there to help and desire for your success. Establish healthy relationships with your professors early because, later, you will have a pool of potential professors to choose from for recommendations. Lastly, participating in a study abroad program will teach you to embrace other cultures and truly appreciate your own blessings.


To the parents: Don't try to force a school on your kids. It's not where you will be spending 4 or more years, but it's where they will be spending all those years. The the students: Try anything and everything new that you can and are willing to try. College is about expanding everything about your life. Take advantage of every social opportunity that you can. Meet as many people as you can. I moved from Texas to California without knowing anyone in California. Becuase I branched out of my comfort zone I made really good friends and have tried some cool things. Don't be afraid of stepping out of your comfort zone. In fact, step way out because some awesome things can result. Live it up to, becuase these are the best years or your life. Just be sure that you can balance your school work and your social life, because being to involved in either individually generally is not a good outcome.


Find a college that fits your personality. You will make friends wherever you go, but if you don't like the atmosphere, you won't enjoy your experience. I would suggest somewhere away from home. College is a time to grow up, and the only way you can do that is without parents. If your parents require you to stay close to home, at least stay in a dorm your freshman year. You get to meet so many people from all walks of life, and you make friends that will stay with you the rest of your life. Be involved in campus activities, Sports, Greek-life, etc. In college, it's not always about what you know, but who you know. So get out there and make connections, meet as many people as you can. It will help you out in the long run. Good Luck!




I would tell them that in order to pick the right school, it is very important to visit each school that has your major and field of study and stay there for a couple days to see if it feels like some place that you could live, work, and study for the next four years. Also I would tell the students that you should meet as many people as possible to build your network of friends. You will never again in our life live in a dorm situation and it is a great networking tool.


Parents: Let your child choose their college. At the end of the day they're going, not you. Be supportive , especially of your child's major. This all new to us! We need time to decide what we eant to do with the rest of our lives PLEASE talk about drugs and alcohol. It's college. It happens. A LOT. And your child needs to hear it from you because at most schools there is no one else to hear it from. Students: Your parent's advice is VERY valuable but you need to pick your college and your major based on what YOU want and no one else. Research a school, visit, (without your parents too!) and most importantly talk to kids who go there so you can get the dirt on what it's REALLY like. Realize you WILL have to work hard. Grades do matter. And there is no one to force you to do your homework and go to class. Don't get me wrong, socializing is important too, but it's your responsibility to find the right balance between work and play. If you do, get ready for the best four years of your life!