University of Southern Maine Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about University of Southern Maine?


I think i had really good professors teaching me for the most part. I think that the Department of Environmental Science (DES) may have the best teachers in the whole university! I also liked one of my professors from the political science department. They worked us hard but they were good teachers. I think all of them are still there now with the exception of my first advisor. The DES has a great dinner too at the end of the school year where alumni get to meet students and staff. You can take a non DES friend to this too.


The city of Portland. The souroundings.


When I brag about being here, I'm always sure to mention my location. Because I'm from a small town, I love the bustle of being in a city, even if it's a small city by most standards. I can walk out of my apartment and have a wide array of shops, museums, theatres, and all the activities that these places entail at my disposal. I also love the location because of its beauty--my home town is right next to the ocean, a luxury I know I could never give up. Here, I don't have to.


I don't brag about my school.


That it is extremely inexpensive to go to.


The environment is very clean and friendly and it is very easy to interract with people and make new friends. The campus buildings are not easy to get lost in, which makes it very easy for new students to attend their classes, and for everybody else in general. The way it is set up is very beautifully done, and allows a lot of space for people to meet up for class work, and even regular conversations. The fraternity, off campus houses give a chance for students to relax and have fun after school.