University of St Thomas-Saint Paul Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about University of St Thomas-Saint Paul? Why?


The superficiality of some people and the miguided "political correctness"


The worst thing about St. Thomas is the fact that if you don't drink alcohol you will probably have a hard time fitting in at first because that is the common stereotype that Freshman see.


The classes are hard, but worth the work. Heavily dependant on the professor you have, however thats the same for most schools.


The parking situation. While UST is in a residential area, it is also is a bustling neighborhood and sometimes there is a struggle to find parking. Unless you want to park in the ramp, which is somewhat isolated from campus.


The price. It seems too expensive. They get alot of money but it's not clear where it goes


The distance that is needed to walk to get to our classes on south campus in the winter, because it gets cold in Minnesota.


The availability and quality of the food services on the Saint Paul campus. The cafeteria is nothing special and the other options get very old very fast. A cafeteria similar to the one on the Minneapolis campus would be preferable, as it has a greater variety of food choices any given day. I also have had better food at other colleges.


Lack of dorm life on campus. Public safety is extremely strict, not just with alcohol policies, but also with noise complaints and curfews reducing the amount of social activities on campus. I don't care about the alcohol policies, laws are laws, however a heated game of scrabble should not be disbanded because it's after 10 o'clock at night.


I think there needs to be more diversity. I know that the university has been trying to have a more diverse student and faculty setting, and they have been suceeding, but I don't think it's where it needs to be. I would love to see at lease half people of color at this school. At this time I would estimate that there is around 10-15 percent people of color enrolled. A more culturally/ethnically diverse campus would open up doors for everyone in many different aspects of life.


I feel as though my school is the perfect fit for me. Although, every school has flaws. The most prominent problem at my school, as is every other school, is the underage drinking. It is so common, especially for freshmen, to drink on the weekends. Some students drink every day! I think that in order to improve my school, they should express and act on more strict rules about underage drinking. Underage drinking not only happens in the first week, it happens all year round. This problem can be fixed with new effective rules.