University of St Thomas-Saint Paul Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about University of St Thomas-Saint Paul?


As a Freshman, it is difficult to get off campus because of the location of the school. St. Thomas is located in an excellent neighborhood and I love that surrounding area, but it's hard to get around because most Freshman don't have cars due to the overwhelming cost to park as a Freshman at St. Thomas. It's really important to take advantage of the shuttle that St. Thomas provides and even the bus system.


What frustrated me the most was that I was put into expanded housing in the begining of the year with 5 other girls and we became very close and now that firs semester is over, we are forced to move into a new room with a new roommate.


The administration is much more conservative than much of the student body and is not always responsive despite student government.


My only frustration that I have currently at University of St. Thomas is finding parking. All of the parking lots are fairly small in size and don't have very many spaces available at all for all of the commuter students. I don't mind parking further out in temperate weather, but when it gets to be extreme temperatures, either hot or cold, it can be a big hassle to walk all the way to class from a distant parking space.


The amont of work that must be done for class, but its either a ton of work or no work at all.


Everything is so expensive and there doesn't seem to be enough financial aid to go around. Also students do not appear to be very open minded.


The most frustrating thing at my school is registration time. Classes fill up so fast! Yet professors are really good about expanding class sizes for those who need the credits.


The lack of diversity. I expected to meet a lot of students from all over the country, but the large majority of students at UST are from within thirty miles away. I like the people here, but I was hoping to meet people from a different cultural background, or even just from outside the Midwest.


Have to keep a 3.0 to keep your scholarship.


Aside from typical homework frustrations that nearly everyone in school experiences, there is nothing that frustrates me about my school