University of the Sciences Top Questions

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What's so unique about the school however is the campus and everything about it. It has a very diverse student body with people of all cultures and races and of all beliefs and orientations. The campus has a lot to offer in terms of activites to do. One can participate in their dance club "Inertia" or one can simly hang out at the Athletic recreation center and play pool or partake in some really unique workout classes that include Zumba and Kickboxing. And overall, the campus just gives off a really nice sense of coziness and warmth.


University of the Sciences in Philadelphia allows me to focus on the education I want. They develop well rounded students without replacing core classes with general education classes. The institution is small and focused on the students. My advisor is always available when I need them and the professors are always willing to help. I could not see this type on individualization being available at the other schools I considered.


All the research opportunities provided to students. The school is very diverse and has many accelerated degree programs.


It is private which makes it much smaller than other colleges. Most of the students are to know almost everyone from the variety of activities and similar classes that they attend in the beginning of their year at the college.


This school has a very high rate for jobs right out of school.


Other schools try to hard, the students go crazy about studying and getting straight A's. Not that we're all a bunch of uneducated morons or something but we like to have fun while or after studying so it makes it more interesting and fun.