University of the Sciences Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about University of the Sciences?


The greek life here is great!


It is a very academically rigorous school but leads to very promising career opportunities after graduation. There is a lot of prestige that goes with the school but it is a very challenging school.


This university has a very difficult underclassman program, which is why USP was my first choice in my career field of interest. I knew attending this university meant that I was serious about my career aspirations, and, if I graduated with a degree from USP, I would be able to look around at the people during the ceremony and know that I am with the best and brightest. I am comfortable knowing that I am getting better than the education I need to get by in the work force.


I brag that the students here are very focused on their studies and are always striving to do well. I did not expect that almost everyone would work that hard in college.