one thing I'd change is the housing rates and books costs......
I had to move off campus to save some money. This issue brought me a LOT of trouble. Although living on-campus is great, but the price is too much!!
TU is a great place if they just drop the housing rates (and books rates that I found on eBay way a lot cheaper).
Student have free fitness center and a lot of activities that come and go.
The school is good (I'm majoring engineering)... (but of course nothing is perfect!)
Another ridiculous thing TU does to its students (sorry about being rude, but I've kept that inside of me for a long time) is that you have to pay for the dining hall (cafeteria), that is located at the Twin Towers, whether you like it or not (few exceptions apply).
Therefore, I had to go to that cafe every single day. I found 3 to 4 meals a week that were good, the rest of meals were ok to bad.
I couldn't get my money back neither stop paying for that food because "these are the rules...as long as you still didn't finish 4 semesters, you'll have to pay for that damn cafe...sorry :)"....that what they keep telling me every time I go to the housing office hoping to get my dollars back ( I added the word "damn").
I'm sponsored by a company therefore I have no idea about administration.
The best thing about TU is the people. The students and faculty at TU are geniunely some of the nicest people you will ever get to know. When I came to TU as a freshman I literally knew not a single person, but as soon as I set foot on campus I met so many people! Older students were willing to show me around and introduce me to their friends. Other new students wanted to get to know me and hang out. I instantly felt like I was at home.
Many people get excited about Football and Men's Basketball. During the seasons of those two sports, we have excellent turn outs at games. People wear blue, they paint themselves blue and gold, and chant and cheer for the entire game. These games are some of the best experiences I've had. But students don't support the other teams that much. If I could change one thing about TU, I would have the other sports get as much enthusiasm from our students as Football and Men's Basketball.
The school is really small, and that's perfect. You see people walking around campus you know but sometimes you won't know anyone at a party. Tulsa is not a college town, but it's becoming college friendly. The administration is really corrupt, they don't spend money on education, but rather on building projects and athletics, leaving kids with huge fines for paying for departmental supplies, which should be provided by the school.
Construction is everywhere on campus and it is nicknamed "TU Department of Holes" because there are deep holes just everywhere on campus. Some are wondering if they're searching for treasure under the U.
The biggest problem at TU is the price of tuition. No one seems to know where it goes and in the art department you sometimes have to pay for hundreds of dollars worth of supplies, none payed for by the department, they usually come out of professor's paychecks.
It seems to me that the administration is just getting a huge paycheck because professors don't get payed much and students don't get much. Its a real corrupt system, which has repeatedly stated it doesn't want to improve academics of departments if it means losing money.
TU has a great number of students for someone who is looking for small but not minute. However, you do have to look closely for people who share the same interests as you. If you are uninvolved, it will be more difficult for you to find someone with whom you get along.
I like the campus a lot. All the buildings match and I think it looks very classy. I also loved the fact that almost everyone lives on campus. That way you are never far from the friends that you don't live with. The apartments are very nice and that is what keeps people on campus. The facilities are also some of the best in the nation. Playing a college sport I got to view a lot of campuses and very very few have facilities like ours. When I have said I went to TU I get nothing but great responses and most people say I have heard wonderful things about that school.
TU is a fantastic university. It's the perfect-size and we're like a big family. The worst part of it is that as the university tries to put itself on the map it feels like the administration is losing their focus on the students. Size-wise, we're just right. Your classes are fairly small which provides opportunities to ask questions and engage in discussions. The campus is easy to walk, you don't need to have another mode of transportation to get around campus (although a bike or a car is nice to have to get to the store). You can't walk around campus without running into people you know, but it's large enough to avoid that ex, at least most of the time. People in Tulsa think very highly of TU. Our students rarely get into trouble. People spend time, mostly on campus, especially when they live there. The residences are nice enough that they make a really good place to hang out. The school pride we have is amazing! It can rival that of the biggest schools in the nation. We love our athletics and go out to support our teams at every opportunity, even if it means painfully long bus-rides. The most frequent complaints are that the administration is forgetting about us. They forget that it is already expensive to go to TU and continue to charge us and raise the prices for everything.
Best thing about TU is the teachers. i would get better food in the cafeteria. School size is just right. I spend most of my time in my dorm.
The best thing about TU is the community. The week before class at orientation, not only do you have one of the best weeks of college, but you meet an insane amount of nice people that are ready to move above the drama that was once called high school. Once classes start, you will see all of your awesome friends you made at orientation and you will feel at home. That one place you used to stay at with your parents becomes less and less relevant by the day! The relationships you make will carry you through any trying times and will also create some of the best memories of your life, while also making you very passionate for your love for TU.
The one thing I would change at the moment is parking. We have quickly built several new buildings and have lost parking due to contruction and building placement. It would be nice to not have to fight for a parking spot around campus!
Some would say TU is a little small, but I think it's just right. Any bigger and you wouldn't really have the close relationships with most people you see. The campus is roughly a square mile and has around 5000 undergrad and grad students combined.
If I'm out of state, some people have never heard of TU or they don't know much about it. If I'm in state, they immediately assume I'm really smart.
I spend most of my time on campus in my apartment. They are currently building a new entrance right next to my apartment so it should be pretty nice when they finish it. I also spend a lot of time at the KA house, my fraternity. My favorite place to hit up for food is ACAC because they have the best selection on campus.
TU's administration is fanatastic. Any professor, employee, or administrator will bend over backwards for you. Nearly every employee of the university that I have met is extremely social and personal. I have even had some of my professors over for dinner at my apartment! Our president, Steadman Upham, is revered around campus. We even say things like, "Steadman Upham could kill Chuck Norris with a simple wink." The guy really is a beast though. He is TALL.
The good things:
There are some really good things about TU. For one, it is easy to make friends. They have a dormitory that is only for Freshman. If you live there you are guaranteed to make friends. Most people on campus are also friendly. Pretty much the entire administration will do whatever they can to help you. There are many campus organizations that will allow you to diversify your experiences at TU.
The bad things:
There are many inept professors, and many programs are forced to rely on adjunct professors, sometimes unqualified, because they do not have enough to fund their programs adequately. This is because much of TU's funds currently are going to sports. TU does not treat their faculty very well. There are many professors who have left the University since I have been here because they have received offers from other schools and TU does not offer counter offers. With the new President (who has been president since 2008) there have been many negative changes. It seems that the university is much more concerned with appearances and reputation, which they encourage by undertaking too many construction projects at once (campus is impossible to drive in) and too much money to sports. The new President has also brought in stricter conduct policies. More people get in trouble for drugs and alcohol, whereas students could get away with it before as long as it wasn't blatantly ridiculous.
TU is full of character. You can go to a big state school and have a great college experience. But go to TU and you will have the great college experience, but that is also unique and unlike any state school. It has the pride and spirit of a large school but all the benefits of a small school. The people here are spirited, grounded, and a lot of fun. They truely care about you.