A person want a better life
An individual that can handle repeative chapel worship songs every semester and that knows at least the basics of the Bible for any class because even if it isn't a Bibical class most of the time there are many questions asked related to exactly that. An individual should also enjoy walking, there are many acres of land and buildings everywhere, but the best way to get to each location is to walk even in the cold.
Someone who is a Christian and is not planning on drinking while attending college. VFCC is especially geared toward religious majors such as Pastoral Ministry, however, there are other majors such as Digital Media and Psychology.
A student who is looking for small classes, small campus, and a spiritually empowering atmosphere. The school requires chapel 1 hour every morning. Dress code is moderate yet modest. Someone who is willing to serve others. There are service learning requirements for most of the classes. Someone who doesn't smoke, drink, or do drugs, as they are prohibited on campus.
Some one who wants an awesome atmosphere that is surrounded around God. Someone who wants professors that show that they care about you in all aspects of your life. This person should be someone that is wanting a life changing experiance. Someone that wants a small school atmosphere. A person that plans on attending Valley Forge should want to have a campus that is ever changing and growing due to the fact that Valley Forge is constantly adding on to their programs and growing.
Someone who is called there by god, someone who has a passion for what they are majoring in.
A deeply religious, charismatic, fundamentalist Christian who wants to study theology and learn more about God or an integrative approach to their field of study. Students who fit in well are those who are willing to refrain from alcohol, tobacco, drug use, and sexual activity outside of marriage. The education that students receive here is what they make of it, and those who go beyond the expectations are likely to suceed in life. It is an exceptional school for students who want to be Pastoral Ministers in the Assemblies of God denomination.
I think anyone should attend Valley Forge. Everyone is friendly, it is somewhat diverse, worship during chapel is great! It is also a great learning experience! The professors with help a student one on one if they need it. If someone cannot afford school, Valley Forge always offers different ways to be able to pay for school. I personally can't attend as of now, but they are letting me take online courses. They even gave me a $500 scholarship!
Students at VFCC should be pursuing a career with a great Christian background or in a career of the same. This is the perfect school for those students looking for medium classes of or around 20 - 50 students each. Also, it is well placed far enough outside of Philadelphia and Valley Forge that it has a sort of suburb feel while still being close enough to the city and shopping centers.
A Christian who wants to be a some kind of pastor in an A/G church or a missionary of some type. You should enjoy being friendly and social because on-campus housing is pretty much a rule, with only a couple exceptions.