University of Valley Forge Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about University of Valley Forge?


The most frustrating thing about my school is that the financial aid department doesn't always seem reasonable and they are very pushy for their payments even when a student is doing their very best to pay for everything properly. However, another thing that is frustrating about my school is that now we are considered a university it doesn't really seem like much as changed besides being more exspecive.


The most frustrating thing about this school is the Bible classes. Its only frusterating because at Valley Forge they take there Bible classes very serious. In order to pass a Bible class you have to give it your all. You can't just give it half because you won't get a good grade. This only shows that this college is all about the work and they are making sure that your not just winging it but actually trying your best and giving your complete all.


The most frustrating thing about our school is the meal plans. Incoming freshman are required to take the largest meal plan even though they may not need that many meals. The food in the cafeteria is not that great, and there is minimal veriety on a daily basis.


The food. I feel like I eat the same thing every day because the food is either cold or does not taste as it should. Other than that, nothing.


I think the most frustrating thing about my school is how they give precedence to the Bible majors and sometimes leave other majors out of the loop on some events and things.


Open dorm schedules


The most frustrating thing about Valley Forge is that students are unable to live off of campus unless they are over twenty-four or are living with a parent. I am unable to afford to live on campus and must commute over an hour daily to attend classes.


A lack of peer leadership and communication.


Conservative, lack of acedemics, poor facilities, poor athletic program, poor career placement, horrible admin


The frustrating thing about VFCC is that there is celebration drinking or social dancing allowed