University of Wisconsin-Madison Top Questions

Describe the students at University of Wisconsin-Madison.


It seems the majority of students are leftist, and white.


There are so many different types of students with varying interests. There is a pretty decent sized out of state population, mainly from either the Chicago or NY suburbs.


Very liberal and accepting. I dont feel anyone will feel out of place as long as they give new people and environments a chance. People wear anything from sweats and a t-shirt to a spring dress. Just depends, i prefere the t-shirt route. Yes, people interact everywhere. The four tables of students in a dining hall would be, jocks, sorority girls, the other two tables would be mixes of all the above. Most Wisconsin students are from Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Chicago. Middle class is common. Students are very politically aware and predominantly left. Students all hope to make a lot of money.


The student body is active in everything, from politics to sports to academics to human rights to volunteering to fraternities/sororities to clubs. There are endless opportunities to be active in something that you are passionate about.


Most students come from Wisconsin, Minnesota, or Chicago suburbs, but I have also met many people from New York, New Jersey, and California, and a few from Tennessee, Georgia, and North Carolina. From what I can tell, most students' families would fall under middle class, but this definitely varies. Most students are white, but there is a very active Multicultural Student Center for students who want to make connections with other students of similar nationality. 3{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the student body is international. There is a stereotype that UW students are very liberal, but I would say that more accurately UW students are very involved, no matter what their political beliefs are.


The student body is not diverse, AT ALL. (so yeah, there you go). But whatever, i guess theres alot of like greek stuff (but im not really into that) and clubs or whatever but the people are pretty cool i guess. The funny thing is, is that you can like tell pretty quickly (and prob effectively) whose like rich and whose not. The "coasties" (which are ppl. form the coast of the US) are stereotyped as rich, stuck-up and like living in all the private dorms. While everyone else i guess are resident of wisconsin or other midwest states. i guess you can see the truth in it but yeah, theres always gonna be exceptions. blacks, ppl. of color, and ppl. that like diversity and/or has always lived in a place of diversity would feel out of place b/c of the sheer number of non minority kids that attend the school. most students wear like the schools color, hats, slippers, boots (especially during the winter), sweatpants, shorts and stuff. its a pretty casual place. most of the ppl. of color hang around with each ohter, i guess b/c theres not alot of them to go around. most wisconsin students are from the state itself (b/c its a public school), most prevalent is like middle class, but you can see a great deal of high class that goes to the school (especially in private dorms and stuff). students are pretty politically aware and active. predominantely they are left (ALOT of liberals). Students dont really talk about how much thell earn one day (but i guess it depends on who u hang out with)


There are groups to support every affiliation, race, and gender on campus. No one should feel out of place at Wisconsin because there are so many people. The students are predominatly left but there are quite a few right wingers as well. Most of the kids are from Wisconsin and Minnesota but there are lots of kids from all over the US and many other countries.


UW-Mad is a primarily white campus. There's a lot of "activities and programs" geared to other races, religions, sexual orientations and whatever else. I've attended two other schools before going to Madison, and it's nice to come to a school where not everyone wears sweatpants to class. (Ew.) A lot of people seem to take time making themselves look presentable in the morning. Most people at UW-Mad are from Wisconsin. There's a breed of student referred to as "coasties." This means someone who is from the coast, east or west. Wisconsin actually has lower admission standards for students who come from farther away, ie the coasts. Thus, coasties tend to be dumb and are constantly mocked. Don't let this scare you if you're from CA or NY or something: just don't be dumb and try not to tell people where you're from. =) Haha. Like I said, Madison is super liberal. I rarely ever see people preaching jesus or screaming about unborn fetuses on the streets, thank god.


Wisconsin's student body is so diverse and so large that I think anyone could find a place where they would fit in if they tried. Most of the students are more liberal leaning, as is the city, but everyone gets along just fine.


So...4 tables of students...Hmmmm... One will be a group of skinny girls with big sunglasses, baggy sweatshirts, spandex tights, and every kind of expensive electronic gadget imaginable. These are your Coasties/sorority girls. They will inevitably have a cup from Starbucks or Einstein's, and they're very, very clique-ish, and they have Daddy's credit card in their back pocket. They're almost always hung over. Your next group will be girls in jeans with Wisconsin hoodies and tennis shoes. These are your athletes usually. They're not as bad as the Coasties, but since almost everyone here is from the same high school they do tend to already have friends here when they get here. They're usually really nice, and if you have one as a roommate, you'll be fine. The next group will actually be Asian, and they won't be at a table. They're all international transfer students, and they hang out in front of the buildings before/after class smoking Parliament Lights and talking in a language you don't understand. They're also not particularly friendly, and very school oriented. Last, though these may be at the Coastie table, are the Frat guys/jocks/whatever you want to call them. They're predominantly blond and tall and built, and a lot of them are on leave from the Army. They can and sometimes are total jerks, but in general they just drink too much and don't study enough and are pretty harmless. The rest of the population varies. WI is blessed with having a very diverse set of viewpoints, so that even though you may not be a Greek, you'll still find friends. However, it is a lot harder, because 80{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of UW's students are from WI, meaning they already know each other from somewhere. If you move here from anywhere other than MN, MI, IL, or IA, you're basically on your own. Students are basically all liberals, and Madison in and of itself is a liberal town. Its not uncommon to see protests and other things going on all the time, and its not something to be ashamed of if you get involved.