University of Wisconsin-Madison Top Questions

Describe the students at University of Wisconsin-Madison.


I am Jewish and there are 3 different organizations on and around campus to be involved with, all of which are amazing. I dont think any student would feel out of place because there is such diversity i think that anyone could find their niche. It is weird to say but because of the partying that goes on on campus different students get to interact through mutual friends all of the time. Most students are obviously from Wisconsin but it is not over bearing and the greek life is made up of students from all over the country. Predominantly left school.


One of Wisconsin's biggest problems to me is some intolerance and the many controversial demonstrations. When walking to class most days I witness preachers trying to tell me I am going to hell if I dont follow Jesus Christ or Socialists trying to tell me that corporate America is the reason for world wars.


Wisconsin is definitely one of the whitest schools in the country, but everyone here is very liberal so I don't think people feel out of place.


I have friends in almost all groups of people. Everyone has friends from different groups. I dont think any student will feel out of place here. There is a group for everyone. Yes different types do interact. The coasties, from the east and west coast, the sconnies, all kids from Wisconsin, the other out of staters, and people from Minnesota, and surrounding mid west areas. But these are just the groups, and they do interact and are mixed. Most students are from Wisconsin, and most student seem to come from an average family financial background. Yes, politics is huge here. It is known as the largest liberal campus. But there are large support groups from both parties. Most are democrat. EVeryday there are people campaigning or voicing their issues.


There isn't a ton of racial or sexual orientation diversity on campus. There are definitely groups like LGBT alliance that are out there, however. As far as race goes, there is hardly anything out there dealing with issues of race because I feel like on campus it is more of a non-issue. As far as socioeconomic status, I think UW is fairly diverse. There are a fair amount of working class families, but also a significant portion of out-of-state students and other groups that are more upper-middle class or upper class. There is a bit of segregation among these socioeconomic groups. There is a fraternity/sorority mentality on campus, and there are also more expensive dorms for freshmen stereotypically designated for students from the coasts/more well-to-do students that generally don't interact much with Wisconsinites/midwesterners (unless they are in the Greek system together.) Students are predominantly left politically.


Students tend to surround themselves with people from around the same geographic location they call home. Wisconsin is a very diverse campus, and the students can be very politically active.


In Madison, people are very accepting of others. It is a very open environment. It is hard to be out of place at Madison because there will always be someone that is interested in what you like (there are just so many different students here). Students wear a variety of clothing to class. It varies from sweat pants and a sweat shirt to a suit and tie (people usually only wear suits on interview days though). But the variety does exist. There are a lot of students from Wisconsin, but there are definitely many students from out of state. The people from the coasts are given a harder time and often called "coasties." But overall, Madison is very excepting of everyone. Many students are very interested in politics because we are the capital of Wisconsin and the University is only blocks away from the Capital building itself. Most students are also very liberal.