University of Wisconsin-Madison Top Questions

Describe the students at University of Wisconsin-Madison.


Your classmates will always seem smarter and more prepared then you, they are big talkers and very competitive.


My classmates are all hard-working individuals who have a strong passion to learn at this school and to excel in their field of study.


Being that I am in the teacher education program, many of my classmates are nurturing, compassionate, organized, and academically driven, but those that more generally surround me on campus tend to be expressive, ethnically diverse, majority liberal, and intelligent.


My classmates are goal oriented, driven people that also know how to relax, have good time, and see the bigger picture of life.


My classmates are some of the most intelligent and hard working individuals I have ever come in contact with in my life. Everyone here is passionate about their education and determined to make the most out of their time here at Wisconsin. In addition to the intense studying and coursework of this student body, people here still know how to relax and have a good time. These two aspects make for a great student body and an amazing university.


Everyone here is very diverse. There are people of all types and everyone seems to find their niche at UW-Madison. People here have a "green" attitude and are extremely open-minded. Classmates are friendly and I've made most of my friends here by meeting people in small working groups in classes.


The opportunities and options are so vast at UW-Madison that everyone has the ability to engage in their own favorite activities, thus my classmates are very different and diverse.


My classmates are all geniuses that are all in the same boat as me in the fact that they are going to college in the hopes that it will bring out their full potential to change the world as they know it.


Everyone at Madison is really intelligent and motivated to do their best. Even though there are some people who don't really care, the majority are taking this time in their lives seriously.


Usually outgoing, friendly people. Unfortunately, they also tend towards laziness. I'm not saying they don't get their work done, but I've heard of all-nighters and other crazy things happening when exams or due dates are approaching.