University of Wisconsin-Madison Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend University of Wisconsin-Madison?


Someone who enjoys football games, socializing and the big campus feel.


Conservative non-partiers; people who don't like winter.


a person who needs a lot of individualized attention to learn


Someone needing a small, country-type environment, and probably very conservative.


A conservative student who wishes to be in a small school setting that has mostly individual attention. This school is large and students need to take intiative to do things on their own. This school also has a festive social scene and if you are uncomfortable with drinking, etc., this may not be the school for you.


If you're unmotivated, you definitely should not come to this school. Sure, everyone procrastinates, but if you don't have a desire to do well in a class, then you will probably fail. Yes, they say it's a big party school, but nobody really parties when they know that they have things they need to get done. Academics always come first, so make sure that you know what you are getting yourself into.


One who wants to breeze through their education. If you want to graduate from here, you REALLY have to earn it.


Shy introverted person.


The University of Wisconsin-Madison has a very outgoing and goal oriented personality. A person who is going to college soley to have fun should not attend this will not make it. You have to be very motivated to teach your self a lot of the material needed and know how to manage time wisely and responsibly. If you need help you need to ask for it. You need to pursue help and any other academic or personal aspects you want from this university. The faculty here feels you are an adult and treats you as such.


A person who wants to be in a small, conservative school. Also, someone who is not very social. Another type of person would be someone who wants to be in an artistic conservatory.