Going back in time I would tell myself that I should take classes such as AP physics that could potentially get me out of classes in college. Not only would it save money but the environment would be easier to seek help out in; a smaller setting like a highschool would be easier to find assistance rather than a large university. Then in college it would be less classes to take making scheduling easier and graduation time shorter. In regards to the transition I would tell myself not to worry and to keep in mind the fact that everyone is going through this and most are probably feeling the same way as me.
I would tell myself not to take the time between High School and College and, if I did take the time off, to at least enroll in some kind of classes to keep the educational boundaries open. I would remind myself that things seem to disappear from your mind when so much time goes by and the sooner you get an education, the sooner you can get a career and be able to have the money and time to fully experience life.
I don't think I would have rushed through the descision so fast. I thought I knew where I wanted to go, so I didn't really bother checking any other universities out. I may have still made the same choice, but it would have been nice to look at the other options. I wanted to stay in the midwest, but there are a lot of universities in the midwest. Maybe I could have made a few more visits, looked at a few more college. I would also tell myself that applying for scholarships was a good idea. It may seem like a waster of time, but it was really worth it. I got a few that I didn't think I deserved, and missed out on a few I did. They don't take much time to fill our, and they pay off in the long run.
To high school senior self, I have some advice for your first year of college. First of all, be open minded. The UW student body has people from all sorts of backgrounds and there are some really good people out there, you just have to take the chance and the effort to get to know them. You really gain the most when you are out of your comfort zone. Also, be prepared to study. A lot. Your professors expect a lot out of you and you might have to spend a few saturday nights at the library to give that to them. Have high standards for yourself and work hard to achieve that because now is when it really matters. These grades aren't just about impressing your parents or getting in to the college of your dreams. These grades are about getting internships, jobs, and ultimately a career you are happy with. With all that said, although it might sound like a contradiction, don't take your time here too seriously. Have amazing experiences, meet great people, and most of all have fun. It is college and you only do it once, make the most of it.
I was an excellent student in high school. I stayed out of the bad crowd and chose instead to focus on my studies. I was accepted to the school of my choice, but when it came time for funding my post-secondary education, I hit an obstacle. My parents and I thought that straight A's all through high school would be plenty sufficient for being awarded scholarships. Unfortunately, most of the scholarships that I came across required involvement in extracurricular sports, leadership positions, and hours of volunteer work. Focused on schoolwork in high school and maintaining a part-time job, I didn't find these important. Because of that misconception, I was only rewarded with one small scholarship. I wish more than anything that I could go back to high school and make sure to get volunteer hours in, as well as participate in a sport of some sort. Even though I might have had to sacrifice some of my A's for B's, I probably would have ended up being eligible for more scholarships because I would appear more "well-rounded."
As a high school senior, the most crucial thing I wish I knew going into college is how independent you have to be. I was always a very good student and kept on top of my work, so that transition wasn't so dramatic. However the temptation of skipping classes is sometimes strong, but I have to think of what is best for my grade. I had to become much more independent when it came to every aspect of life. No one was cooking for me and telling me what to eat, that was my decision now. I had to do my own laundry. I had to make sure I went to bed at a decent time so I could wake up for early classes. I had to be the one to contact my professors, they don't contact me. I had to be responsible for finance. I don't have time for a job, which gives me very, very little flexibility in spending money. As a high schooler, I wish I knew how independent I would have to be and how little aspects of my life I took for granted would change dramatically.
If I could go back and talk to myself as a senior in highschool I would tell myself that: college isn't as scary as it seems, everything will work out in the end, and to keep my chin up because classes are harder than you think, but somehow it ends up just fine in the end. It's easy to make friends and to find where you fit in. Sometimes you don't end up where you thought you would, but it is likely because you found out where you really belonged all along.
I suppose if I could go back and talk to myself as a senior in high school I would tell myself to calm down. I would tell myself that I don't need to have all of the answers, that I don't need to know what I want to be because there's so much to be done before that can happen. I would tell myself not to worry about meeting people or fitting in at college because there are so many people out there, and you're bound to find somebody like you. I would tell myself not to worry about living in the dorms because it would turn out to be a fascinating, growing experience. Above all I would tell myself to BE myself, to live every day fully aware of my mind and individuality. Being open to all things is the only way to grow.
Dump that guy, save your money (do not buy that ridiculously expensive phone), be prepared to work harder than you ever thought, train yourself not to sleep, request a roommate change, and make friends immediately. This advice may seem random and unhelpful, but it all has relevance. The guy I was dating withdrew me from getting my full freshmen experience and we ended up breaking up; I finally learned that sometimes it is better to put yourself first. Secondly, I am putting myself through college and it is a constant struggle. I wish I would have been smarter about saving my money. The sleeping and hard work may seem obvious, but since things came relatively easy for me in high school I was not prepared for college. It was a slap in the face, but it made me stronger. As for my freshman roommate, she taught me about myself, but caused me unneeded stress. I should have listened to myself and gotten out of that situation when I had the chance. Lastly, the friends you make within your first month of college will be some of the people you are closest with for the rest of your college career.
If I had the ability to go back and talk to myself I would tell myself not to worry about trying to be accepted by my classmates. I would simply tell my high school self that everyone is being put into the same position of knowing hardly anyone, therefore everyone will be looking to make friends and meet new people. Simply put, my advice would be to not stress out about the transition because the faculty and other students try to make life as easy as possible on incoming freshmen.
It seems almost silly to me now that this is most important to me, but I realized that even as tuition and housing bills add up and classes become almost too much to bear, having friends to fall back upon is the greatest feeling when you really need someone. The stress of grades and financial burden of college will both eventually go away, so take away from college something that won't: friends.