Don't let the price hinder you. Go where you truly desire to go. Money is just an object and if it's meant to be, it will happen. Don't get too stressed out about academics, you're learning to be a real person, not a robot with a perfect GPA.
A truly fulfilling college experience needs to include more than just academics. When looking for the right college, students and their parents should consider the location and distance from home, extracurriculars, the success of alumni in finding careers after graduation, social networking, study abroad opportunities, campus diversity, climate, and social life. Too many college students are anxious and unhappy with the way their lives are going, but it is important to be satisfied because college sets each person up for the adult phase of her life. A student needs to be happy at whatever school she chooses so that she can continue to strive for success. Once the student is enrolled in college, she needs to reach out and establish connections in all different areas of academics and clubs so that whenever she needs help, she is confident about where to look for advice. Lastly, nobody can get through life without friends. Once in college, reach out to other students and make friends because they are the ones who will be with person for the rest of her life.
Never settle for the school that is "practical". Choose the school that leaves you wide-eyed, anxious with excitement, and ready to start anew. Nothing comes out of being safe. Every new adventure that you go for wholeheartedly is bound to be satisfying. Put yourself out there to meet others and never hesitate because this world is filled with people who will change your life.
Finding the right college is both and exciting and stressful process. As a student who has been through that process I would recommend exploring options both close to home and far from it. College is an adventure and students have the option to either go with what is most familiar and comfortable or break away and really get out into the world to experience something new. That's why I believe it is important to explore all kinds of schools, big and small, close and far, in order to determine what kind of college experience each student would like to have. No matter what kind of school a student looks at it is important to visit and meet with counselors in order to determine if it is a good fit. To make the most of a new college experience it's a good idea to live in the dorms, this is a perfect way to make new friends, friends who will be with you most of the rest of your college years. It is important to find activites on campus to be involved in that fit interests in order to make lifelong friends. Just always remember, college is an adventure.
If I were able to give students advice about finding the college that fits them best, I would tell them to go and visit the college beforehand. I would tell them to go and be around members of the campus, including both faculty and students. I would tell them to sit in on a lecture, and to ask questions of friends who may already be attending this college. But most importantly, I would tell students to pick a school that offers diversity, in regards to the people of the campus, and also in regards to the academic choices available. College students change their minds, or discover that something else has captured their attention; the college that will best allow a student to follow their dreams, whatever those might be, is the college which should be sought out above all others. My advice for parents would be simply this: help your child to make a well-educated decision, and be prepared to encourage and suppport them in the path they choose to take. I would not recommend that a parent pull out of a student's life; rather, allow the student the space, time, and support they need to grow.
The student should attend the college him/her wants to, not the parents. There are many times the student is pressured into choosing a school by their parents. Also, even if the school you are at right now isn't the right fit that doesn't mean some other college won't be either, don't be afraid to transfer, but make sure it is for the the right reasons.
Visint a campus is key. Maybe try and stay overnight so you can see how the atmosphere changes between night and day.
I know it can be extremely hard to pick a college. Never pick a college solely without thinking about it. Don't pick a college simply because they are the number one part school in the nation. Don't pick a college because it's far away from home. Don't pick college because the weather there is amazing. Don't pick a college there because apparently they have really attractive members of the opposite sex. Yes. All of these things may be important. But they should not be the determining factor to your college. You are going to college to get an education--something that will last with you for the rest of your life. So pick college that you love. Pick a college that offers you exactly what you want. And even if you don't know what you want, pick a college that can offer you the best "undecided" studies. Choose the college that offers you an awesome education from awesome professors at an affordable price. And if the parties, distance, weather, and attractive co-eds come along with it, that's the bonus.
Finding the right college is all about finding the perfect environment. In addition to considering the academics of a university, people need to remember to think about what type of setting they want to be in. To make the most of the college experience, I would advise people to try as many things as possible and be outgoing. You'll meet many new people, and maybe even make life-long friends. Don't be afraid to try something different, because you never know what will happen.
College is about growing as a person, academically as well as finding yourself, so it is important to research your college choices. Talk to current students and tour the campus. College can be overwhelming, but the important thing is to relax and continue to try and do your best academically. In the end, the only person who can decide if the college fits your needs is you. It's about creating memories you will remember for the rest of your life and preparing yourself for a career that truly interests you. Don't be afraid to try new things or meet new people because this is what makes college an exhilarating adventure.