Visit as many campus as you can, take a walking tour of the campus and talk to other people who go or went to the prospective college/university. While at school, go to different sporting events, take advantage of the recreational facilities, explore the city the college is in, take classes that are interesting to you and are outside of your major, get involved in a student club or organization, give back to the community you live in, make use of your professor's office hours, speak up in class but listen to others, meet as many people as you can and get to know them - especially those who are the least like you, don't go home every weekend if you live close to home (if you can help it), don't be afraid to go past 4 years. Have fun!
When choosing the righ school, figure out what is most important to you, whether it be the academics, the campus, the people, the programs, etc. Don't be afraid to follow your gut instinct because you will enjoy your experience more at a school that you love rather than the one that seemed like it would be the "best" choice. As for making the most of your experience, get involved as soon as possible getting to know new people and joining organizations. College is a great time to discover yourself, grow, and change, so explore new things. Most campuses have tons of amazing activities and opportunities and you should take advantage of them! Also, you tend to do better in school when you have a busy schedule because you are forced to manage your time. Basically take a proactive approach to all that you do: social life, classes/academics, and campus activities!
Don't discount any college without looking into it first. Once you decide, try out as many new things as you can. College is meant to be experienced, and you will discover more about yourself and grow more if you push your limits. Take advantage of the opportunity to interact with diverse individuals, especially those you wouldn't normally talk to. You'll learn a lot.
Make sure that you take classes outside your discipline. It not only makes you more well-rounded, but it also lets you really explore your own interests and choose a path that is right for you. What matters is what you take from it, not what grades you get or if you have followed the traditional path. And take advantage of every opportunity that is presented to you.
Take your time, look at your options. At the end of the day, it's not so much about the place that you go, but the things that you do when you're there. Find what is available to you, take advantage of every opportunity. College is about you.
I would tell students to choose a school based on their academic interests above anything else. If they are unsure as to what career path to follow, as was I, I suggest a school like the University of Wisconsin that offers a wide range of opportunities. I would strongly encourage using all of the college's resources in order to facilitate the decision making process and to broaden your horizons. As for making the most of your college experience, it is important, especially at large unversities, to have your voice heard. It is the student's responsibility to approach the administration when they have questions or concerns. Nothing gets resolved without speaking up. One last word of advice would be to choose a school that you know will fulfill all of your needs, both academically and socially.
Most imporantly find a place that suits you. Be involved. Study hard, but also make plenty of time to have fun also.
Find a program that matches your interests and needs. Talk with currents students and professors, especially in your particular area of study.
You need to find a college that will make the student motivated to attend the school for academic success and also for life experiences and friendships. My college experience has been difficult but the experiences with friends and classmates that I've been through have made staying up late and studying worthwile. I strongly advise living in the university dorms for the first year as well!
Always visit. No matter what sort of program the school might have, visiting it is crucial to making a choice. The atmosphere, students, and campus are such an important part of the college experience.