Making a college decision can be very tough for many different reasons. Personally, I took a risk choosing Madison because of my financial situation. It turned out that money, while not physically in front of you, is always there for education. If you really want to attend a school that is out of your price range, don't throw your dream away. Instead, start looking for scholarships that can aid you in your college experience. Never choose a school based solely on finances. Also, Take tours of all the colleges you are interested in, and even some of the colleges you aren't. Taking tours of both types will help you to decide what aspects you like about each campus and what you don't find appealing about a school. Keeping a log of your thoughts about different colleges while you tour will prove useful when thinking back on which school would fit you best. After you have toured what you feel is enough schools, sit down for a couple days and really think about it, don't expect the answer to be right in front of you.
Listen to your intuition! There are many things that make a particular college or university the best fit for you, so be sure to consider the programs available, proximity to friends and family, along with the atmosphere exuded when making a decision. And remember, it's possible that not everything will be "perfect", but your insticts will usually lead you in the right direction. And when you've chosen the college of your choice, be sure to be open and try new things - get involved, join a club you've never thought of joining before! Explore all the campus has to offer. Best of luck!
I would tell students to focus on their schoolwork, but not to worry too much about their grades. Sure, grades are good indicators of how well you understand the material (as most are based off of exam performance) but a lot of classes measure you against your peers and sometimes it's extremely difficult to get the grade you wanted. Also, I would suggest they get involved because joining groups and/or other social groups allows for the opportunity to meet new people who you will likely remain friends with for the rest of your life. I'd also have to tell them to just enjoy the experience too. College has changed me a lot as a person, but I wouldn't trade the experience (failures included!) for anything.
One of the most important aspects about picking the right school is to absolutely visit the campus. Attend a class, stay with a friend on campus, interview a current student, anything that you can do to find out how you would fit into the university. The school you pick is going to be your home for the next 4 years; you have to make sure you're comfortable there. Once you find your perfect school, make a point to join one cause that you believe in. College is the one place where you have to learn to leave your shell behind and be willing to put yourself out there. College is all above finding yourself and affirming your beliefs. It's the most important time of your life. Make the most of it.
I think the importance to finding the right college is finding what fits your personality, your work ethic, and your extracurricular interests. If you find a college that includes activities you are interested in, an atmosphere you are comfortable with, and a workload you can handle and succeed with, I think your chances of having a good college experience are high. If I have learned one thing here, it is that college is what you make it. If you work hard and play hard, and accept the fact that this experience is going to be completely different than anything you've ever experienced, you are likely to have an amazing time. If you slack off and keep a closed mind to new things, college will be a little more difficult.
If a school doesn't feel right to you at first it probably is not where you belong.
Once you choose a school remember you are paying to be there and while it may be hard sometimes if you work hard you'll make it through.
Don't let any one thing determine where you go to college. It is so easy to have a really good time on a campus tour and decide right then, this is where I want to be. It is really important to think about the kind of activities you want to do, the kind of people you want to meet, and how much you want to spend. Take everything into consideration. Try to spend a night on campus with someone who lives in the dorms. It's a crazy rxperience. Most importantly, once you decide, get involved. The worst thing that you can do is tell yourself that you will sign up for that club or group next semester. You can't make friends by sitting in your dorm room! Join everything that sounds remotely interesting. Go to a few meetings before your homework load gets to be too much! It is easier to stay involved than it is to get involved half way through. Finally, don't stress too much. You probably aren't going to lose out on a job or a internship because you got a C on that one test freshman year. Put your sanity first!
Most important is to visit and when possible see campus life by shadowing a student.
I feel as though it's more important to follow your interests instead of picking a school or major based on the amount of money it makes.
I would tell them to find a campus atmosphere that allows their child the best chance at success. Whether this means a large University where a student will be presented with many opportunities, or a smaller university where a student will be able to focus more on their intended career and make due with the opportunities that are present. Choose the University which you feel will be the best reward for the hard work that you put in during high school. Approach the selection process with an open mind and do not be frightened or intimidated by larger schools, as choosing the path of least resistance almost always leads to the smallest amount of individual devlopment.