University of Wisconsin-Madison Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Wisconsin-Madison know before they start?


Give your kids every possible opportunity out there. Don't limit them because you are afraid. The more they can be exposed to the better. Every experience you have shapes your mind. Good, Bad, Crazy, Unethical, Fun, Spiritual, and Frightening make you into well rounded person. Ignorance and the fear of understanding breed more stupidity and indifference. Give them the options to choose and if they have been taught well, the myriad of tools at their exposure will take them further than ever imaginable.


Parents, leave it entirely up to your son or daughter as to where they want to go--don't even suggest places they should apply. Students, make it your responsbility to decide where to apply, visit each campus you get in to and try to see if you could see yourself there, then make the decesion based on that as well as any monetary concerns of yours. To make the most of the college experience, be open to making friends, be open to trying new things and don't be too judgemental of anybody for anything. College isn't about the grades or the classes or the degree--it's about making friends for life and having fun, so keep that in mind too.


Parents need to be involved. My parents told me I didn't have a choice about going to college...which was fine with me because I was planning on going anyway. However, when it came to choosing the college I wanted to attend - my parents were no where to be found. Chosing a school is a hard and very time consuming decision. It wasn't until I actually came to college did I realize the tremendous amounts of school options in this country. I am not particularily happy with the decision I made, but I don't want to transfer. I know if my parents would have been more involved in my decision making process, such as attending tours with me and helping me reasearch or make a pro and con list of each school, I would be much happier. They know me more than anyone else and know my personal needs. Attending college has been difficult for me due to combined health issues and financial issues. If my parents had helped me in my decision, I know they would have pointed out some very important downfalls of the universities I chose. So, students ...ask for help.


I would say make sure the college you go to fits you. Visit the campus and tour the area and city around it. Decide if you want large lectures or more intimate classes. See if the college caters to your planned major and career choice. Once you choose where you want to go, make sure you put yourself out there to experience new things and meet new people. Join an organization that interests you, be it intermural sports or student government. Start volunteering for a cause you care about. It's all worth it and if you are willing to put yourself out there, you will reap many benifits and have a more fulfilled experience you will never forget!!


Parents and students should work together in choosing the right college, however, the final decision should rest with the students. Students should make a list of all the characteristics/things they are looking for in a college/their college experience and should choose the college that most closely resembles that list. In order to get the most out of college, students shouldn't be afraid to step outside their comfort zones - many of the greatest opportunities come when one is doing something which one is afraid of/unfamiliar with. Parents should remember that this is a time of great personal growth for their son or daughter and should encourage their child to do as many different things as possible during their time in college.


There are all types of students that go to this school from all over the world, so there are many different kinds of people represented on this campus. Personally, I was a student from the US who did well in High School without really trying. However, my GPA here does not reflect the one I had in High School. I only say this because, if you go here, you need to know that work ethic and time management are the keys to doing well, not knowledge by itself. What students on this campus are known for is working hard and playing even harder, and that is why I believe that this is one of the best colleges to go to. There are Ivy league schools where students are notoriously known for studying all the time and not having any fun. Obviously, I wouldn't know because I go here, but my point is that the education here is just as good (I've had professors that came from Stanford and Yale) while the social scene is on a level higher than most "party schools." In sum, Wisconsin is the best of both worlds all in one place.


The following is my advice for students choosing a school: Look not only at how difficult your university is to get into but, but also look at how competitive it is to be accepted to your major or the school within your university that offers the major you want. If you have your heart set on a particular major, you should know ahead of time what will be expected to be admitted to that. While some programs aren't competitive, some are. Even though you are excepted to your university of choice, it does not mean you will be accepted to your program of choice. Secondly, look at how much help is available on your campus. Dont dismiss a large school because people tell you that you will only be a number and no one will care about you. True, the dean may not know your name, but i've found that even at my large school, many professors and teaching assistants are more than willing to help. Also there are many tutoring services that are free to students. Find out from current students how easy it is to get academic help on campus.


Be sure to start looking for colleges EARLY, visit the campuses, talk to the students, and ask a LOT of questions. Don't let what parents or other adults want from you influence where you go to school. It's your life.


You really just have to make your own path and find your own way.


Get involved with the process. Stay involved.