I would encourage students to apply to every type of school because you really won't know what you want until it gets closer to college. Apply to some shoe-in schools, and some more reach schools, so that you still have some solid options if you don't get into your dream school. Go on tons of tours, and get a feel for all types of campuses. Urban, rural, big, small, etc. I think it's a good idea to pick a college with lots of high quality majors so that if you change your mind, there is another option waiting for you. To make the most out of your college experience, study, sleep, make friends, have some fun. Do things you need to do and things you've always wanted to do, but don't go too far either way. College is about learning to balance so you don't go crazy.
Think about who and where you want be in ten years, twenty years, and fifty years from now. Will the college you are considering take you there? Then ask your self an even bigger question, what do you want to be giving to others in ten, in twenty, and in fifty years? Will the schools you are applying to help you recieve the tools you need to make those contributions to the world. If the answer to both of those questions is "yes, " then take the time to imagine what you can do for that school and community.
My advice to students about picking the right college is this: pick for yourself. Do not pick a college based on what friends and family say. Research what you enjoy: extra curriculars, programs, sports, hobbies, or location- big city or little town. College shapes and defines who you are for the rest of your life. Pick a college that you believe is how you want to represent yourself to the world. You need to be confident and open-minded about your choice. Find a college that challenges you, inspires you, motivates you, and caters to you, when you put in the initiative. And once you find a college, be confident. The first year or two are a transition. It will be hard, it will break you, it will push you to your limits. That is how it defines you. For parents, let your child go. Support them, within means, in their decisions so they know they are not alone. Don't limit them. This is their turn to take on the world and they will need your help and wisdom. Don't let them down, but also don't let them take advantage of your support. The time has come.
Research and visit your colleges. Don't procrastinate and get ready to do a lot of work. Do not get stuck in a crowd or a few friends but keep exploing new people. Talk to TA's and Professors because they want to talk to you. and it'll help your grades =D
There is no wrong choice for where to go to school. Choosing where to attend is not permanent; students transfer colleges all the time, so don't put too much pressure on yourself in making this decision. Visit all campuses you are considering, because you need to choose the right atmosphere for yourself. If you love going to big sporting events, big schools are what you should consider. If you are more conservative and don't enjoy large crowds, a smaller, perhaps private school would be a better choice. Don't worry about choosing a school based on whether you party. There will be people who drink at every school, and there will be people who don't drink at every school. Don't let your friends from high school persuade your decision. If you go to the same school as them, chances are you will branch out and not see them very much anway. Consider what is most important to you and where you think you'll be happiest. No college choice is set in stone.
Think carefully about what is important to you and seek out ways to get involved with whatever it is you care about; I truely believe it will make your college experience exponentially more enjoyable. As far as finding the right college, size is a major factor when considering Madison; many students are intimidated by the large campus, but really the departments are generally pretty centralized and it is managable finding your way around. Most of all though, go with what feels right for you. You'll know when you've found the right campus.
I suggest choosing a college that has the right programs for you. It is a good idea to have a backup plan in the event that your first choice of school or major do not work out. Take classes that satisfy prerequisites for multiple majors of interest. Take full advantage of financial aid. Do not be afraid to seek help with anything, because chances are that there is someone on campus who specializes in what you need help with. If you want to get involved, do it at the beginning of the year so you know what is going on. Keep partying to a minimum, and do not take more classes than you can handle. If you have a learning or psychological disability, seek accomodations before the semester starts. If you have an anxiety problem, for example, a little extra time on tests can make or break your grade. Don't be a toughie! Get help right away if you need it!
Decide what matters to you more the quaility of education or the location.
When choosing a school, it is important to consider what type of school would benefit you personally, rather than which your friends are going to or your parents went to. If you come from a small town and have trouble adjusting to change, it will be best to choose a smaller school because schools such as Madison with quite large campuses tend to be more difficult to make friends at since people live so far apart from each other and especially in the winter, the motivation to see each other is lacking. Also, if you do not learn well without a fair amount of one on one teacher attention, choose a smaller school, since lectures at schools like Madison tend to have lectures with 100-300 people at once. If you do not enjoy drinking, be sure to investigate what types of extra curricular activities the campus offers. Overall, college is not only about educating yourself, but about discovering your adult identity, so it is essential to choose a school that offers not only classes, but also extra-curricular activities that will suite you. A sense of belonging to the campus family leads to comfort and in turn, success.
College is a unique process for each person. Choosing the one that most fits you seems like a daunting task, but it's really just a matter of prioritizing and then testing the waters. Remember that no one university holds the power to transform you into the perfect applicant for your dream job, or give you classic memories. Look at your possible colleges. Weigh their benefits and disadvantages- programs, cost, location, campus climate- and then visit. Get a tour, talk to students and staff, and find the campus's pulse. This is the most important step. Attending the school that looks best on paper will do you no good if you're wishing you could drop out by winter break.
Once you're on campus, your experiance can be summed up in these simple words: "You get out what you put in." College is a invigorating blend of learning and adventure that you may never come accross again in your life. But you can't wait around for college to happen TO you. Embrace the experiances your college offers. Don't forget though: "Moderation in all things." If you balance your studies and fun, college will be everything you hope.