University of Wisconsin-Madison Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Wisconsin-Madison know before they start?


While it's important to find a school that has the major you would like to study, know that this very well could change by the time you are ready to graduate. So choose a school that is in a city or town that you really love (size, location, surroundings, weather), make sure they offer a wide variety of classes if you are unsure of your area of study, and look at the activities and events that the school offers. Study hard, do your homework (on time!), meet with the professors when they give you office hours, go to the writing center to get help on papers, take advantage of the public transportation, but also HAVE FUN! Go to sporting events, enjoy the union, go out to eat, explore the city (farmers market, ethnic restaurants, lakes, parks), don't go home every weekend, join new clubs to meet people, volunteer around the community, become involved! College is a great time to meet some of your best friends, gain a well-rounded education, learn to live on your own, and discover who you are as a person.


The advice I would give to prospective students going to college is to really take the time to know the university you are considering. Not only are academics important, but the social life and comfort level the university provides for that student are key to choosing the right college. Once you have chosen that university that is a perfect fit, make sure that the student gets involved with many different things, whether it's a religious organization, club, or sport. It is important to stay involved, because that is a great way to meet many new people and get the most out of life! Because the student is someone who cares about their grades, make sure that they take time to put a lot of energy into studying as well. It is important to balance a life dedicated both to working hard at school and taking time to relax and enjoy the college experience!


One big factor in deciding what college I would be attending was the distance from home. A big suggestion that I would make to anyone is do evaluate yourself and really think about how you will be able to cope with being away from home. For someone like me, considering that I would be going through a complete culture shock, it was important that I had easy access to my home and my family. Another of my suggestions to the students is to find a healthy balance between focusing on school work and your social life. Some students become competely consumed in the social part of college and it takes a major toll on the academic aspect. On the other hand, some students overwhelm themselves with school work, and the social life becomes in existant. Believe it or not, this can also have a very negative affect on your academics. It's never a good thing to overexert yourself. Last, but definitely not least, college is about broadening your horizons an exploring things in life that you may not have been exposed to before. Keep and open mind, be versatile, and always keep your future plans/goals in mind.


I think you have to strongly consider what you want to do with your life. If you're uncertain remember you can always transfer, picking a college doesn't mean you're stuck with it forever. Still, make sure you know the size of the campus, the diversity it has, its programs available, and the city around it. These are all important factors in deciding which one is best for you. Always remember that while you're in college that if you need help, find it. It doesn't always come to you, but at any good university it is there. Talk to just one person and they may either answer your questions, or refer you to others that can. Don't let yourself get behind because you were too afraid to admit you needed help.


Don't just look at brochures, visit schools and talk to current students--not just the ones paid to give tours--and find out what they like, what they don't like, and if they're overall happy with where they ended up. Find out what the academic and social climates are like, and decide if they match your interests. And finally, make sure there are plenty of degree options, since most students end up changing their minds several times before they graduate.


Make sure to explore your campus of choice fully before you commit. Also, enjoy every minute because once you're done with college it is work all the time!




apply to Wisconsin, you won't regret it.


Search for a school that fits your needs and get involved!


The college system increasingly becomes more a business and less a school incrementally, year by year. Most studies claim that a four-year college degree is required for "success" in the modern, technofetishitic world we inhabit. This is not true; those surveys are largely taken by universities who need more enrollment to grow. Technology is serviced and maintained by technicians, not professors, and entrepenuers who invent and market new ideas or products usually do not have bachelor's degrees. If you truly aspire to a professional career like doctor, lawyer, or teacher then a four-year college is what you need. Be prepared to work to prove your dedication to that goal. Four-year colleges prove a person can work hard, learn in a short amount of time and apply that knowledge. However, if you can fulfill your passions and be happy without a professional career like those above, go to a two-year school or technical college. You can acheive economic and social success without a bachelor's degree. Our world needs intelligent, dedicated people at all levels and niches of society. College can take you there but you first must decide on your dreams.