University of Wisconsin-Madison Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


If there was something I wish I had known before entering UW-Madison, it would be the knowledge of how to feel about being undecided. I was very frustrated with myself that I might be wasting time in different departments, when actually I was exploring my interests and fulfilling G.E.s. I wish I would have known that it's alright to be a little confused about myself, as college is the time to discover one's self. I


that students compete against each other more than themselves


Temperature in winter


I wish I would have known how much studying is necessary to succeed on exams. I also wish I knew how to expand my social circle. It is also VERY expensive to attend this school, and I underestimated the expenses. I wish I would have known how difficult and expensive off-campus housing was.


The importance of taking the classes that will allow you to take more classes in that field instead of just taking random classes.


How quickly it was going to go. so fast, I wish I would have taken better advantage of free computer classes and done more activities.


Cost of living.


Dorms and apartments close to campus are expensive.


How cold it was. How to search the timetable effectively.


How stirct the school was on drinking violations.