University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee?


I brag the most about the cultural diversity on campus and acceptance of others from different backgrounds on campus too. We have centers like the LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender) Center and the Women's Resource Center on campus. Both of these centers are just examples of resources we have on campus to pertain to our specific needs. UWM is also seen as a 'Deaf friendly' school. ASL is a common language on campus, and interpreters are easily accessible. So, we have plenty of different ethnicities on campus between professors, staff and students.


Sometimes that I'm doing a double major with Sociology and Biochemistry, but I don't usually brag about anything else.


great library and gym, a few of the upper level biology and chemistry courses are really interestingand are taught by good professors


My teachers


How easy the GER classes are. How little I have to do to get an A in the GER classes. That I get to go to school where our orchestra conductor from Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra teaches.


I have so many stories to share with my friends since going to this school, and all of them are good stories! I brag about the fact that I have met so many new people and it is such a wonderful opportunity.


How we have a very big variety of classes and the size of the campuse, for how many students there are.


I feel like I really mesh with the campus and surrounding city, the beach is near us with the lake, the city is near, and yet it has a very comfortable residential feel. The professors and students are all extremly diverse and kind. Overall the atmosphere is very welcoming to all.


I brag most about the great friends I've made and the projects I get to work on in my art classes.

