University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee know before they start?


find a college that you want not your parents my sister went where my parents wanted her to go and didn't enjoy it as much. My dad was sceptical about the school i chose but once i showed him all the different opertunitys and how well rounded all of them were he changed his mind and agreed with my choice. Do your resurch and make sure you like the surrounding community.


Relax and enjoy the process.


Know what you are looking for in a school, have an idea of what you would like to major in and see where the different schools are rank for being in that field. Make sure that you get a good roommate, because they can make or break the experience of your freshman year. Also, try and avoid a college that is known for partying, you will not get the experience you want if there is a large drinking scene.


Choose wisely.


Find the university that has your program and activities that interest you.


All the college brochures in the world cannot give a perfect view of their college. The best way to pick your location of higher education is to go to the schools that offer degrees in what you're interested in. Only by visiting college campuses can you make a decision that you should be comfortable with. While there, look into some of the student groups available; Fraternities and Sororities can help you academically, socailly, and professionally. Any decent fraternity/sorority can help you find a career after college. The bottom line is to pick a school that you will feel comfortable in and one that you can make new friends in. You cannot do well in school, if you're not having fun.