University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee?


Nothing is frustrating to me.


There is a great deal of crime in and around the campus. The University Police Department sends out Campus Alert e-mails almost weekly with news of a new robbery or break-in around the area. I never felt safe walking alone after dark and sometimes not even during the day. While I was living on campus my car got broken in to and my CD player and CDs were stolen. This type of atmosphere was not very welcoming for new students.


The amount of students that attend here are way too much because of the size of campus. Over 26,000 students packed into a 3 block radius will get very crowded in a hurry. And the dorm situation and set-up is very interesting but not accomadting enough for students to enjoy. And we also need to invest in a football team fast!! It adds to the great school spirit of UW-Milwaukee, and we could compete with other teams!!


Living situations and bad neighborhood.


Not always knowing what classes should be taking


Not living on campus. Not having many friends. Not all courses on D2L.


Finding proper housing and financial aid. We are overpopulated and the University is trying to find new areas to build more dorms, but for now they are cramming in students the best they can. Financial aid seems to help, but prices at UWM are among the highest in the state of Wisconsin.


The cost of off campus housing.


Unfortunately, the crime rate is pretty frustrating. Students are being targeted around campus, late at night. The UWM police have on-foot officers patrolling the area at night, and there are emergency phones everywhere but even then, students are notified weekly about muggings and physical altercations around campus.


The lack of finacial aid. even after FAFSA I still owed the school almost $1500 a year plus the cost of books for both terms.