University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I had known my way around the campus and the city before my first day of classes. It is not a large campus but when you don't have any prior knowledge it can be difficult to navigate.


The staff treats everyone like children.


The bus schedule due to living in a dorm off campus, you need to be sure you schedule your days accordingly due to the bus schedule to get you to campus for your classes.


That it's better to have a career not just a job to provide stability at home. Jobs can be temporary and if you can at least get certified in a technical field then you will always have a choice of income. Milwaukee is very nursing and industrially focused.


I wish i would have known how expensive supplies and books can be and that having a job will help with the cost of those things.


I wish I had know what I as an individual wanted. As a student I feel as if I let my self down by procrastinating and not taking full advantage of my resources.


Before I attended UW-Milwaukee I wish I had researched the manyresources available to me. UW-Milwaukee has numerous resources for their students from counseling to paper revising. I was not aware of most of these resources until my first semester was almost over! Adjusting to college and academics would have been easier if I discovered what resources were available I began my first year. After I learned about resources such as the writing center, counseling, technology help, study groups, campus safety services and the many transportation options, my college transition became much more manageable.


Before comeing to this university, I wish I'd known when I should buy/rent textbooks. Some classes required some textbooks, but never used it, which resulted in me wasting money on unneeded books. Now, I wait 1-2 weeks into the semester to determine what are the necessary materials. This way, I save save money to buy any future school supplies.


I think I really am glad with the information I was given from friends and the campus visit days. I learned a lot on my own and it really helped me. I think the biggest thing is a better way to study because I never learned a good way to study in high school.


How to navigate the library.