University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh Top Questions

Describe the students at University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh.


In general, every classmate is friendly and willing to work with or help other students who may be struggling, not to mention its not uncommon for students to form open study groups for classes.


My classmates are typical college students around my age who wish to make the most of their education on a daily basis.


They are all focused, intelligent, and hard working individuals.


My classmates want to learn, and easy to get along with.


My classmates are friendly and have the same goals as me.


My classmates are mostly knowledgable about the class we are in and fun outside of class


Generally apprehensive when it comes to speaking up in class but intelligent when they are comfortable.


My classmates are great, we get along fine.


The student body at UWO is very diverse, including many ethnicities, sexual orientations, gender identities, political preferences, and many other criteria.


My classmates are genuinely welcoming and focused. Each person has goals that they want to accomplish and they understand that their classmates have goals as well. They are respectful of my want to learn and grow as a person and in my career, and everyone does their best to help each other out to reach their full potential.