University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh know before they start?


Check out the college's financial aid website. Don't slack off. Study hard and use your time wisely. Make a master schedule so you know when your free time is.


If I could go back to when I was a senior in high school I think I would tell myself to stop worrying about things that aren’t going to benefit me as a college student. As a senior in high school I was a little too focused on my relationship with my boyfriend instead of my grades, applying for scholarships, and getting ready for college in the fall. Not preparing myself for college was one of the worst decisions I have made. I had to resort to private loans because I wasn’t awarded any scholarships. I would tell myself to be more involved in my school work and work life in order to succeed in my future.


I would tell myself that nothing is impossible! As a high school senior, I thought there were too many things holding me back from going to college. My family had no money to pay for it, I felt the need to work and help support a younger brother who still lived with my divorced mother, and I was of the idea that my future husband should get the education. After all he would be the "bread-winner" and I was soon to be a "house-wife". These things should never have been a deterrent to continuing education. So why did I wait until I retired from work to pursue my dream? Perhaps it was really my own fear, perhaps these other things got in the way; but I know now--nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it.


Looking back, I wouldn't change anything I did, or do anything different. I have met some of my best friends while at college, and if I would have done something different, those people would not have come into my life. I would give myself the advice to put more time into my school work and to utilize the resources on campus to help with classes and homework. Another thing I would tell myself is to not be afraid to try new things. College presents so many opportunities that were not available to me in high school. Starting out freshman year, I wish I would have joined more clubs or done more intramural sports. But after reflecting on my past few years in college, I would say I'm not doing too bad.


Do not take a class just because you have a friend in it with you, take something that interests you and hass a good professor. I know it is hard because you are friends with them but taking classes you like allows you to make friends with people who have similar interest as you.


If i could go back and talk to myself before going to college, I would tell myself that college is exactly like you think and nothing like you think at the same time. There are tons of parties every weekend, but they're not really that fun. The thought that having classes later in the day sounds great and waking up later than in high school is going to be so much easier is completely false. Even though you'll wake up two or more hours later it is no easier. Also it is not as hard as most movies and other people make it seem. But that's only when you first start out. Don't slack in the begining. Start strong with the studying even if you think it is an easy subject. Do everything possible in your first few weeks to make friends, it gets harder as the year goes on.


I would tell myself that I need to get more involved. By getting involved, you meet new friends and you have more fun. Try out for sports becuase it does not hurt you. Join clubs and participate. Be a part of something so that you don't regret your high school years.


If I could go back to my senior year I would tell myself to try my best so I could get good grades. I would try to learn as many things I can so I wouldn't be clueless in college. I went into college not knowing a lot of things that I wish I knew so my first year would be better. If I could go back I would search as much information about careers so I would be decided when I started school. I would just try my best and apply to great colleges and save up my money and talk to councelors since I didnt do that my first semester of college.


Knowing what I know now about college life and making that transition from high school into college I will bestow upon you the encouragement and passion to continue that flight on the education path. It is way too easy to take the break or leave from school to just do the so called “spread your wings” and test the waters after high school. I did that and I currently pay the price tied to taking a break from college. Promote a discipline driving desire to finish your education after high school. Life is filled with stages. You go through developmental stages as well as social life stages finding that are constantly continuing to learn new things throughout life. You will find that your mind will take flight through the wealth of knowledge found in education. Your training, education, development and growth won’t come easy but you will find great rewards at the end. You must continue to look at your education in the viewpoint of not how long it will take but view it as in how much you have learned and accomplished.


Dear Emily, Yes. This is you a year after high school when you thought you would have everything figured out. Well guess what, you don't. I know how you think, after all, I am future you. You think you're invincible and you can't wait to get out of that small hometown. Let me give you some advice, moving away is one of the hardest things you will ever do. Yes, you will cry for a good forty-five minutes after driving away from your childhood home. Mom and dad will say you don't have to go just yet, but you know you do, therefore, you leave and drive twelve hours to get to that school you thought you would love. But college life is not what you expected; it's hard to make new friends, and even harder to stay on top of all your classes. My best advice for you, Emily, is to embrace every moment and know that as long as you try your hardest and give it your all, you will succeed. Work hard and you will do great things. Love, Future You