Ideally, this response would include some trite wisdom about finding a school that feels like home with fellow students who make you feel like family. Unfortunately, the practical matter at hand is to be aware of the financial strain of rising tuition fees and housing costs. Try to find a desirable, affordable school. Today a bachelor's degree is nearly a given for a working adult; don't blow your savings on Harvard if you can be just as happy at a state school. There is something sweet and comforting about going to school close to home. You will have your whole life to explore the world; choosing a school that will help you transition into that world in the most comfortable way is the most important first step. Never be afraid to learn new things or meet new people. Never fear having an academic or social weakness. Everyone has a weakness; everyone has a strength. The key is finding someone who has a weakness where you have a strength and helping that person; and finding someone who has a strength where you have a weakness and asking that person for help. That is all part of the university community!
My advice to give parents and student about finding the right college and making the most of it would be not to follow the flow of society. Do what feels best to you; don?t do something just because all of your friends are. You are going to make many new friends at your new college. Just be yourself and you will meet others like you! Also, don?t let money be a deciding factor. That should be the last thing that determines what college you want to go to. Do what will give you the best future! Don?t be afraid of a new experience. College is going to be a defining time for you, you will find yourself and know what you want to do with your life. It?s also going to be one of the most enjoyable times of your life, so don?t worry! I believe that once you push your limits far enough, you learn that you don?t have any. I live by that and I hope others will too.
I would tell them they need to look at the size, cost, and atmosphere of the college. I think that large colleges can be more prestigious and people think they are better, but sometimes smaller colleges can give you a better education. Cost is something everyone has to think about. I think that if you can graduate with the same degree in a college that costs less, it makes starting off on your own that much easier. Lastly, every college has a unique atmosphere. That is something you need to experience by sitting in on classes, going on campus visits, and just being on campus.
Don't go whole hog on one thing. Do a little of all. Do a little bit in the campus groups, partying, and extra work to become a well rounded individual. But make sure it doesn't interfere with your school work because all of the extra stuff won't mean anything if you don't have a solid core of knowledge.
Take your time and enjoy!
Make sure you consider all of you options before deciding on a university. Public schools are not always right for a student-the same goes with private. Check what you potential schools offer for financial aid and scholarships and how much living expenses will be. If you can, find a campus where you can rent your textbooks instead of purchasing them. Take campus tours. If you have to debate about whether to attend a certain school or not, don't go there. Trust your instinct and you gut, and you will have a comfortable and fun educational experience. Know the class sizing...bigger isn't always better. And most of all, have fun at college...you education is what you make it.