University of Wyoming Top Questions

What are the academics like at University of Wyoming?


UW's education is geared towards succeeding with an employer and making their students elite.


They are challenging but the teachers are willing to help! And there are so many different options of classes.


I love the geology department. It is so small that you get to the professor so well. They are so close that they go by first name basis. It is hard to balance academics with activities and work, so when I had trouble with school I would talk to the proffesor during their office hours. College is not like high school. In high school you get good grades so you can get into college. In college your job is to learn the material.


Academics at Wyoming are very strong. Like any school though you have your good classes and professors and your bad classes and professors. My two favorite classes that I have taken would have to be my spanish class and my cultural anthropology class. Both teachers were engaging, challenging, and very concerned with how their students did. For the most part I have really liked all of my teachers with the exception of 2 or 3. Most professors know your name at school but if you don't participate actively in the larger lectures, you may get lost in the crowd. My least favorite classes have been two of the classes required for my major. The intro course to nursing and the human development online course I took. Both instructors were hard to work with and the classes felt like a waste of time and money at points. Nursing is one of the most competitive and difficult majors at the University of Wyoming. Toward the end of sophomore year pre-nursing students have to apply in to the actual nursing program. During this process we have been told that over 300 applicants are competing for under 45 spots. A GPA of at least 3.5 is needed but much higher is recommended. My advisor has been basically useless for me this past year, whenever my course selection came up I seemed to have a problem no matter what I did to prepare, thankfully the assistant dean of students and other professors and academic advisors really helped me out in getting the classes I needed. The academic requirements at Wyoming are fairly rigorous. I've been look at other nursing schools to apply to along with the University of Wyoming just in case and looking at their requirements for their nursing program has shown me tha the University of Wyoming has a much more rigourouse prerequisite course load. Wyoming overall is a really great part of the world of academia.


As far a living in a college town and going to UW, well for some it is not as easy to handle as it is for others. Laramie,WY is known as home to the University of Wyoming and basically over winter and summer break the town loses half it populaton. I personally think this is very funny. UW, itself is a great place to come. The classes are like some of the major colleges and Ivy League schools on the coasts but different. I have taken classes ranging from 20 students to 150 students. In the 150 student classes i feel every bit as much involved as in the 20 student classes. Ironically enough we also talk outside of classes. I don't know how many times the issue in my Pol Sci class has been turned into a full blown argument with my friends who don't even take the class. From the students that i have met, competition is a must. Not the hardcore, i am going to wipe the floor with you competition, more like i will ignore you and still kick your butt on the test then rub it in your face. Ok maybe that is a little bit of an exageration. More like the person who got the best grade makes everyone else who didn't feel better. We are here to learn and that is what our profs tell us but they also know that we are paying for this education, ok more like our parents, and that sometimes school can just take over, they trust and know that we are adults which makes going to calss even better cause the person teaching you understands you.


Every class i have taken has been benetilficial. I was undeclared undeclared until my fourth semester and truly wouldn't have changed a thing about the many different experiences i have had in the class room.


I think the most unique classes I have take were Deviant Behavior with Malcolm Holmes and Criminal Psychopathology with Scott Culhane. The nature of the course as well as its presentation made them interesting. I joke with my parents that I was learning about sex, drugs, and rock and roll. And while that is what I learned about I learned about it from a sociologists perspective.


I'm super happy with my art classes and my Japanese class. Japanese is definitely unique and is probably my favorite because it's so small and informal and our instructor is awesomely Japanese. So far, I've liked all but one of my professors, so that's a good sign. Actually, I was somewhat surprised at how much discussion takes place in classes, so that's cool too. And I'm down with all the requirements, but as an Art major, I'm pretty sad that I have to take lame-ass math because I hate it. But whatev.


generally the professors do know your name. sometimes the class size is large though so student teacher interaction is limited. lease favorite class - accounting I and II. most favoritie class - introduction to theatre. upper level business classes tend to have group projects.


I think that academics at UW are amazing and have prepared me for years of medical practice.