Utah Valley University Top Questions

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Great education, small community, has a botany program.


Its growing, and there is alot of potential, considering the low tuition


The entire campus is connected so you can stay indoors during the winter months. Also we have a very engaged way of learning on campus. Teachers really try to get us to apply the things we learn outside the class room.


Something unique is that the school is almost completely inside. In order to get from one building to another, you can take the inside halls, or walk on the rooftops of the other buildings outside.


Self paced study


That it had a good photography program. It wasn't as expensive and I knew several people also going to school there.


There's an excessive amount of ignorant bigots and a severe lack of diversity.


It's located close to me, and the learning enviornment feels more real for me. When I go to class, I feel like I'm there to learn, but it's on me to do the work. Nobody is holding my hand, it's up to me to get things done and make my dreams a reality.


Utah Valley University is an interactive campus. There are always different events going on during the week and anybody can attend. The students and faculty here are all courteous and friendly.


It has many undergraduate programs, a diverse student body, and has a very good price for tuition.