Valley Forge Military College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Valley Forge Military College know before they start?


I would toell myself that i have to come up with better ways to manage my expenses,they were ok from the start they just needed some brushing up on,and understand that im now a student in school and i cant have the latest clothes or the latest gadgets . Also that I am on my own and for anything that i did i would be held responsible for .like make sure that all home work is completed and projects and making sure that they are turned in on time.get to know as many people as possible,because you never know when you may need them.also in any spare time make sure you study study study!!!!!! its really easy to fail and the only person that cares is you and only you, If you have the advantage to join as many extra caricular activities,this offten happens to work out for a lifetime like meeting people learning things about yourshelf .