If I could go back in time to talk to my High School self about college, I would say many things. First, I would say is, “Don’t let others change your decision on where to go for college, choose what best suits you rather then what makes others happy.” I would also tell myself to, “Make sure you get involved with the school. That means sports teams, school activities, living on campus, and making your presence known at the school.” Next I would tell myself to, “Work hard and do not slack off because it can only hurt you in the end. Your education is important and with the money you are spending on school be sure to make it worth your time.” The final thing I would tell my High School self would be “Make the best of your experience, and don’t hold back. This is your opportunity to get a fresh start, to be whomever you want to be, and leave the past behind.” If I could go back to talk to my high school self I could only hope that I would listen to the advice given because it could make a world of difference.
Focus in on a major as quickly as possible. Limit your social activities in order to maximize study time. Prepare for each class prior to attending class, doing so shows your instructor that you are taking your education and their class seriously. Set realistic monthly and quarterly goals.
The most important thing I have recieved out of my college experience is growth. I have grown academically, spiritually, socially, emotionally and professionally. College has opened my understanding to fresh perspectives and allowed me to experience a broad range of ways to do and understand all aspects of life. Without this knowledge, I was unable to make the best decisions for my life or to contribute to the lives of the people I influence. Classes have given me practice at using my resources to meet the everyday challeges that I face. Internships in my field of study and community service have opened my eyes to the vast need around me and given me practical ideas on how I can make a difference in my community. College fills the yearning in my heart to grow and has placed a desire in my heart to help the communities that I come in contact with have the same privilage. As an educator, college has been valuable to me because I developed a love for learning that I can share.
I, like many others my age, thought I knew everything about life during my last year of high school. Thinking I was prepared for all the obstacles that living a truly adult life would bring, I soon realized that I was only prepared for a miniscule amount of what the future really held in store. At the age of eighteen I chose to attend Shasta College, a community college in my area. I had been offered scholarships to certain schools and had received acceptance letters from a few universities as well, but I was not quite ready for that...considering that, at the time, my major was undeclared. Now, at nineteen (going on twenty), I am about to graduate with my AA in humanities at Shasta College and move on to Sacramento State to get my BA in journalism and communications. Going to college made me realize what I wanted to do with my life. I discovered just how crucial receiving an education is. With the current state of our economy it is especially crucial. Overall, I could not be more grateful for my choice to attend college and what it has done for me in the long run.
I could list hundreds of different things I have gotten from my college experience such as the ability to wake up early enough to get to the shower first, or the knowledge that a fire alarm at three in the morning is not unusual. However, the most significant thing I have gotten from my college experience is truly realizing how important education is. It may seem cliché to say I have learned to love learning, but that is the truth. To most is it a simple idea: knowledge is power. Yet, seeing it from inside the walls of my campus gave me some perspective on it. The strength that comes with knowledge has become so clear to me; I have encountered professors, staff members, and students who use what they have learned in intelligent and beneficial ways around the world. My appreciation for knowledge and my enthusiasm for education increases with every semester. Now, I can discuss topics with my friends that previous to college I never knew existed. Thinking about all the new things I will learn next semester is so exciting because when I learn something and internalize it, no one can take that away from me.
What I have received from the college that I am currently attending, is a sense of responsibility. The choices that I make, will affect the grade I receive as a student. I have been taught it not how “smart” you are but the amount of study and hard work, I put into my education. In doing so, I can achieve success in my classes and in life. Attending college also has allowed me to grow and mature. College is giving me a great life experience, and it may be difficult at time, in the long run it will pay out dividends.
Having to attend meeting for different puposes, attneding church services and having to realize that there is so much to do here at this University and having friends, professors, counselors, and the faculty having the support that they have given in order for to accomplish all of my goals and dreams so I can be someone in life and be a successful person that I can be. To attend this University has been valuable to me because I have seen the hand of God moving in so many different ways on this campus where Christian students get to worship, serve, and love one another, but also having the strength tomove forward and reach to others who don't have the motivation because they can either be having family issues or problems in their life, but there is one whi can change all of that, and that is Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour.
I have officially made the jump from being a teenage high school student to an employed, college, adult student. This transition into the college world has prepared me for the rest of my life. My college experience so far has allowed me to see what may be in store for me in the next several years. Starting off at a four year college instead of a community college has also been a very exciting experience. I do not have to worry about transfering anywhere at this point, and it's easier to make lasting friendships knowing that you'll be with the same people for the next four or more years. My college has shown me the benefits of a private school, but also the downsides to it. I now have a more open view to the different types of colleges that could be more useful in my life than this college, and I plan to seek out those other options if need be.
My colledge experience has propelled me in life in the sense of just becoming a better person, and stronger man. I thank God for my school cause its giving me direction in life, and something to strive for, so with blessing that i have recieved i now turn back and give to others in whatever way in can. In a nutshell what i gotten out of my colldege experience so far is that , though life may not go as plan, always give it your best cuase you may not who is watching.
Out of my experience in college I have gained not only knowledge but also how to perservere through struggle and tough times. There have been hard times in which I feel like I have no energy to continue studying but with the help and encouragement of my teachers and friends I have been able to perservere. For example , I have never been good at US goverment , in highschool it was one of my hardest classes. However, my teacher one time came upto me and asked me if there was a problem and i told her the truth that I have a hard time with this class. In response she offered to help me and suggested books that would help me. I searched for the books and continued the class. My teacher kept on encouraging me as well as my friends, and I passed the class. This experience is valuable to me because it taught me that when troubles coe in life instead of quiting I should look to good counsel and continue trying without giving up because the reward is worth the effort.