Vassar College Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


The most popular students activities on campus are a capella groups, drama clubs and plays, and comedy clubs. There are also tons of student athletes, although the teams unfortunately don't often get a lot of support at their games. Vassar doesn't have fraternities or sororities, and so the weekend party life often revolves around parties thrown by residents of the senior apartments. Once a month, there is a big campus-wide theme party, like Scantily Clad, Heaven and Hell, or the Halloween Party. All of these events are pretty heavily saturated with drinking-- mostly beer, and mostly at "pre-gaming"-type gatherings in people's dorms. On a quieter weekend, you'll still be able to find at least one party in the senior apartments if you're dying to party. If you don't drink, you're mostly on your own to find ways to entertain yourself on a Saturday night, because there aren't often campus-sponsored events on the weekends. That said, lots of kids do attend theme parties without drinking, and it's not hard to find a group of friends to also don't drink to watch movies or hang out. The off-campus life is pretty dull at Vassar. The adjacent town is very small-- it has a delicious cafe called Babycakes which is very popular with Vassar students and a dollar store, but other than that, there's not much to do. There's a big mall and a slew of restaurants within a 15-minute drive from Vassar if you have a car, but other than that, the social scene is pretty much centered around campus.


Stop making parties that give out free beer, cuz theyre only fun if you drink beforehand, and to the people who are 21...


music is huge at vassar. there are probably a dozen a capella groups, each with a special focus. theres all male, all female, coed, broadway showtunes only, current pop songs only, barbershop quartet, general, and others. theres also lots of choral groups. almost everyone here plays a musical instrument. student musicians are showcased every thursday night. i'm involved in 4 student groups and in the leadership of two of them. no one attends athletic events except for maybe rugby games. theater is huge here. there are not enough straight boys to go around for all of the desperate girls. many of the attractive straight boys seem to be in relationships. so the boys left are too exciting. i didnt drink the first two years at vassar. theres always a lot of organized events going on every weekend where alcohol isnt present. every friday a group of about 15 kids meet for game night. theres nothing to do off campus if you dont have a car. there are a lot of great places nearby to eat off campus.


Sports at Vassar are incredibly limited. Those who participate in them are generally pretty cliquey, and usually people don't go to sporting events or care very much about what is happening in sports. But this is something I LOVE about Vassar, really; I'm from football-obsessed Ohio, and it's such a relief to be somewhere where people care about LEARNING more than they care about stupid sports! There is also no Greek life at vassar, something I find equally refreshing. Instead of frat or sorority parties every weekend, there are just PARTIES, where anyone can come and meet people. It makes the campus a lot more friendly, and it keeps people from segregating themselves too much.


the most popular groups are vassar dems, fem aliance, frisbee team, rugby, choice, qcvc, and the vassar greens. i'm involved with the equestrian team, a club sport that is not widely known. most students leave their doors open when they're in their rooms, but there is definately a group of people who lock their doors when they are asleep, in the shower, etc. Athletic event aren't popular, but some guest speakers and comedy groups have a large following. The dating scene is essentially non-existent, and I meet friends usually through other friends. If i'm awake at 2 am on tuesday, i'm probably smoking and watching a movie with housemates and friends and not doing work. the halloween party and founders day are the most popular campus events. last weekend i watched movies, hung out with friends, drank, and ran errands.


There isn't really a most popular org on campus, everyone really has a place and respect. I'm involved in Matthew's Minstrels, the oldest co-ed a cappella group and it's great. They are easily my best friends. Athletic events aren't popular really but we do have strong D III sports. If I'm awake 2 am on a Tuesday I could be watching a movie with a friend, studying, or rehearsing... everyone is so busy that often times student run orgs are forced to meet really late. Traditions include Serenading (a ridiculous and stupid drunken performance by the Freshman class), Primal Scream (the night before finals start people gather in front of the library and just scream... often times nakedness ensues), and Founder's Day ( a celebration of Matthew Vassar but really just an excuse to be high adn drunk all day). There are no frats or sororities... the closest thing would be the basketball teams.


mopst popular is drama. it sucks . i was on the volleyball team which was good and fun but it took up all my weekends when i wanted to take a trip home. Not much of a dating scene. 2am on a teusday? umm on the computer.. Traditions are pretty cool , theres harvest ball, heaven and hell, halloween party, 7 deadly sins, lots of theme parties, serenading, midnight scream, some other things too. no frats/ soroities. people party on weekends at the TA's and TH's some dorm rooms too. parties often get too crowded you could hardly walk but security doesnt bother us at all.


Vice (group that brings entertainment in all forms to campus) is pretty huge but there is no one dominant group or org. on campus which is great. I am involved with the BSU and Intervarsity Christian Fellowship and next year will plan on being part of the Council of Black Seniors AND senior council and the Big Sister/Little Sister program next year. Students do leave their doors open cause its so open here-people leave their laptops and personal belongings even in parlors, comp. rooms, and even the library!!! athletic events are somewhat popular with basketball being the biggest I believe (cause they have a winning record). remember though sports is not the main focus here and its a division III school. Guest speakers come ALL the time and talk about so many things all year its great. Theater is great here too soo many drama groups abound. Dating scene-is existent but eh. Closest friends: many during freshmen week and in my dorms and at other social events. 2 am on tues.: either hanging with friends or in my room on the computer. People party ALOT here atleast every weekend there is bound to be something to do or go to whether a house party, dorm party, campus-wide party or even our campus bar the MUG. traditions: Founder's Day, heaven and hell, seven deadly sins, scantily-clad, Halloween (massive!!), serenading, Senior week, Mr. Vassar etc. Frats and sororities don't exist thank God! Last weekend went to some parties and events and went sledding by sunset lake whoo!!! Off-campus get my hair done and eat and sometimes go to a local club. Sat. night no drinking: stay in and watch a movie with friends.


Theater is great here. All shows are well-attended, as are all campus parties.


We have a yearly holiday dedicated to the memory of our founder where it is not only okay but assumed that all the students are drunk throughout the day.