Virginia Commonwealth University Top Questions

Describe the students at Virginia Commonwealth University.


The student body is generally kind and laid back; no one really cares what you wear, and everyone has a place at VCU


Everyone has some sort of club or organization to feel comfortable in. All groups are very welcoming and the students embrace the multiculturalism. No one should feel out of place. VCU students are usually very accepting to the diverse student population. All the diversity allows freedom and acceptance to students unique style and personality. Everyone dresses casual with their own personal uniqueness. No one is discriminated for wearing things different from the majority of the population. Everyone feels free to be proud of who they are and where the come from. Especially since people come from all over the state, country, even from around the world. Many come from Northern Virginia (NOVA) and the tidewater region. Others come from countries such as India and Qatar. But still the student population is diverse and has people from all over.


I don't know many students at VCU yet, but I am taking a summer masterworks chorale with some undergrad, grad, and community members surrounding VCU. Getting to know these students has particularly helped me to feel welcomed because they do not just talk to the same people- they actually enjoy interacting with the new students and different kinds of people. I think that the only people that would feel out of place at VCU would be people who aren't willing to make new friends who might be different from his or her self.


VCU is a very diverse and open community. After being here for about a year have yet to be discriminated because of my sexuality. I feel that VCU is for everyone and not many would feel out of place here. The style on campus as of late, is more of a Hipster style. Being in a city you find many students focusing on fashion. I would say that the majority of students at VCU are more Liberal. Students are politically aware, which was evident when Obama and Clinton visited campus early spring semester.


There are alot of different people at VCU. VCU has all different races like African Americans, Asians, and all types of ethnicities from all different countries all over the world. I dont think that any student will feel out of place at VCU unless you are not really a people person and stay in your room all day and night.


No student will feel out of place at VCU. Its built on diversity, and runs on what your abilities can bring to the table. They want you to be different, and it does not matter if your rich or poor. I am in the middle of okay and poor. I have never been harrassed for it because you have so many in the same boat.


I was worried there wouldn't be many Christians at VCU because that's what I heard but there really is a core group of great Christian people, you've just gotta be willing to seek them out and you're going to love your college years so much more.


All experiences that I have had on campus regarding racial, religious, LGBT, socio-economic and/or other groups on campus by students have not been negative or confrontational. I believe that a student who is not willing to try something new or try to put themselves out there is not going to feel at home at VCU. Yes, in the beginning everyone feels out of place, but those who reach out to others, get involved in campus organizations and try to learn the most from their teachers will do well here. Different types of students interact everyday at VCU. That was what I wanted the most here and that is exactly what I get. You have such a diverse and unique campus that interaction will happen daily. As for political afiliations, I am not aware of one being more predominant over another. I would say that there are some student organizations which focus on those issues and view points but I wouldn't say that they are overpowering or anything like that.


Very diverse. Lots of scenesters and bicycle kids. Some hippies. Every walk of life is represented. You can wear anything around campus and no one would give a second look.


Diverse, Intimate, Cultural, Monumentally Connected. I am very strict when it comes to other "groups" of people, and I feel that there is definitely a right and wrong... But that doesn't stop me from loving the heck out of them... I develop these relationships as closely as such a friendship would allow, and hopefully influence them in a positive way that doesn't solicit a "Sin-Hater" response... I believe we all should come together and at least establish the fact that we are all created in the same image.