Virginia Commonwealth University Top Questions

What are the academics like at Virginia Commonwealth University?


Once, I progressed into my major, I found that all of my professors knew my name. I was shy during my first 2 years at VCU, but once I became used to the environment, I learned to speak up in class and let my teachers know who I am, even during the huge lecture classes in Temple. My favorite class was a creative writing class with Jamie Feuglin (sp?). I think students study when necessary. Yes, class participation is common, but usually the same students will participate everyday while the ones who don't, never do. The students are not too competitive from what I've witnessed. The most unique class I had was British poetry class with Joshua Eckhardt. The English department was always helpful with anything I needed. I spent time outisde of class with my professors when I needed assistance, which was not too frequently. I did find almost every professor very accessible. the education at VCU is geared toward both getting a job and education in general.


The professors that I like know my name because I make an effort for them to do so. My favourite classes have been with my favourite professors, Dr. Zyzniewski, Dr. Condit and Prof. Cutchin. My least favourite classes involve teachers who don't actually know what they're talking about and do not listen to students' voices. I do not study often, I cram. Class participation in my classes is usually mandatory. Women Studies students always end up discussing classes after it's over, but for ofther majors this does not always happen. Students are not really competitive. The most unique class I've taken is Psychology of Religion. The Womens' Studiest Department is (with the exception of a few teachers) absolutely amazing and the students are wonderful. I do spend time with those teachers outside. In my other major, Psychology, the teachers are hit or miss and you don't always see them after class, but the wonderful ones are available for you if you need them. VCU requirements are not difficult. The education is geared toward getting a job for certain fields, but others seem scattered.


i know my professors' names...... my favorite class is chemistry, i have mrs kulkarni. its so interesting and different than everything else, and my professor is amazing, she loves the subject and her students......i study a lot. being premed is very competative. other students study a good amount, and art students are always in their studios. prehealth kids live in the library and art kids live in their studios.....class participation usually depends on the course, some classes are based on it and some classes only the teacher speaks........ vcu students love to debate and have in depth, intellectual conversations. everyone has such different perspectives. ive learned a lot from listening to and questioning people. but vcu students also like to chill and just joke eachother..... students are very competative, especially with acedemics......i am a biology and mathematics major with a minor in chemistry. i get to meet a lot of people i wouldnt normally know outside of that environment, none of my friends that i normally hangout with are in the science field. i really like the biology and chemistry department, everyone there wants to make the world a better place, they want to make their impact in the world by discovering and teaching. i spend some time outside of class with professors, but mostly with TAs and SI leaders (teachers have students who have already taken the course lead study groups)......learning to learn.


Most of my professors do know my name. The class sizes at VCU for upper level classes are very good. They aren't so small that students don't participate, but they aren't so large that some students can't participate. My favorite class at VCU was probably my intermediate Microeconomics class, I can't tell you why I loved that class so much but I did. I think main;y it was because of the professor who just almost made class full of energy and made the topics that we covered really interesting somehow. The most unique class I've ever take at VCU I am currently enrolled in now. It's called "Biodiversity and Ecological Economics." It's totally different from what I expected it to be, but I really enjoy it. Its a really great class where we learn a lot of really interesting things. Not to mention, its taught by the same professor who taught my intermediate Microeconomics class, which makes it that much better.


My favorite class is Ethics and Applications with Dr. Carrey. I find that for the most part, the professors I have had are very helpful and understanding (which I was not expecting, having been taught in high school that no college professor would care a lick about me). I do not enjoy the very large lecture classes, however, because I feel as though I do not matter in them and I do not always feel motivated to attend, feeling that I will not be missed.


No. Can't think of a favorite class. Econ and management science blows chunks. students participate quite enough. we hold intellectual conversations and also real dumb ones too. very competitive at least I know I am. I think I'm learning the proper stuff at VCU for getting a job and just learning. Although, more real life stuff would be nice.


I think it depends on the size of the classroom..if its a lecture of 200+ students i doubt the professor will know my name unless i have spoken to them personally. My favorite class as of now is probably bacteriology. Least favorite now would be cell biology. I think a good majority of students study if not a little everyday at least like 3 times a week because the library is always packed it seems. Class participation is pretty common in all classes but the way its done can differ. Im sure that VCU students have intellectual conversations outside of class..ive heard students talk and its def. not about dumb stuff some of the time. Students are competitive i think maybe between friends or people they know in class. My major is biology and its a pretty intense major i think overall and the department here is pretty nice to students and they offer a wide variety of classes. I dont really spend time outside of class with professors unless i have to see them for questions about something but i mostly email professors. I think VCU's academic requirements are pretty standard compared to other schools around the nation. I think the education offered at VCU is geared towards learning and becoming knowledgable but at the same time preparing you for the future and whatever career you are thinking of.


some professors do, i go to office hours only when i need help so thats why favorite class: mgmt 323 (business law) my professor really made a boring subject interesting through real life applications least fave: info 360 (something computer) i hated having to memorize crap about the inside of a computer... required students study: the busiest times in the library is during midterms and finals. good luck getting a table let alone one near an electrical outlet. class participation... depends on the class. if the professor is fabulous at getting feedback and is personable then yes intellectual conversations outside of class: of course. learning is all the time right? students competitive? sure... most unique class: again business law... you wouldnt think it but i would take it again with that professor. that was a fab class im a marketing major in the school of business. couldnt tell you about the department like the dean's name... all i know is we have a new building and the dean's office is well hidden. they dont really say congrats on being a business major here is everything you need to know about the dept... time spent with professors outside of class.... office hours maybe one hour every two weeks... so no. academic requirements... they could be a little stricter. we will never be at the same level as some other state schools if we dont raise our standards. but then again vcu is all about opportunity right? business school education is about getting a job. could tell you about anything else.


Some of my professors know my name Donahue's Mass Comm 101 RULES! He's awesome Least favorite = Biology. Science is awful. Students are noncompetitive in most arenas The most unique was Donahue's because of the break out classes- all of it was amazing I don't know many professors outside class Focused Inquiry is the biggest waste of time if you already took AP English of any kind The education of VCU is definitely on the "five year program"- nobody is in a rush to help you graduate, they want to milk it for all its worth. But if you're forceful you can get a lot out of your education.


I usually take the time to get to know my professors. That helps out in the long run because you can then go to them for help with a study question, or to get assistance in understanding some new concept you are covering. My favorite classes are the ones that relate to my major. I love Political Science. My least favorite class would be the english class they require us to take. They recently overhauled the curriculum and completely changed the freshman english classes, and I don't particularly like it. That varies based on the person, just like it does at every single college. But the majority of students study for a couple of hours a day. And participating in class is a varied thing too. Some classes don't call for much pariticipation, but there are usually plenty of people interested enough to participate. I will talk to professors outside of class usually and visit them during their office hours.