Virginia Commonwealth University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Virginia Commonwealth University? Why?


Being in the city, I think that walking late at night has always been a concern of mine. I keep my eyes behind me so that I'm aware of my surroundings.


I feel like the staff in my department is sometime unprofesional and un willing to help students. I am in the arts studying communication arts. Our building was under construction for over 2 years because of unresponsible money handeling it took longer than was expected. This cost the students money who had to pay for materials that where suposed to be provided for us, such as computers and drawing tables. Aslo I have had to take summer classes every year because faculty will not help you get into required classes if there is a problem.


There are too many students on campus; everything about the university's facilities are done in excess. The school itself is huge and encompasses most of the City of Richmond. VCU hasa two campuses: Medical and Monroe Park, but if you are applying for on-campus housing you may be placed on either.


The amount of money the students are paying to go to college. The amount of money is too expensive for classes, food, books, and everything else. There are not enough stores around my school. I feel my school is located in an deserted place, like my school is an island or something of sort. Everyone has to travel for miles to go to any place good enough. People are screwed if they don't have a car. There are not enough parking places. My school need more varieties in food. Selling books sucks cause we get less than 40{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} back.


The crime in the area has always been a problem. Also I do not like the amount of drugs and drinking everyone here does. As far as actual classes and teachers its a great school.


the worst thing about my school is the bad areas surrounding my campus. there are alot of homeless and people not involved with our school around the campus. Also we dont have a strong central campus, it is kind of spread out and not centralized.


I think the worst thing about my school is the parking situation. That's because it CAN be hard to buy parking passes online, especailly if there is a problem with the computer system. If you can't get a parking pass you really have to know the street cleaning schedual and how long you're allowed to park. This can be particularly hard if you're in a 2 hour parking spot but class goes from 7 - 9:40 pm


Poverty surrounding campus.


The hours things are open and closed. Because it's inconvient for college students timelines.


There isn't much I haven't fallen in love with at this school. The city itself is in a reconstruction phase, as new, yuppie apartments are being built, replacing the old run-down and abandoned warehouses and factories. Many people complain about the aesthetic of the streets being shabby or 'ghetto,' but in reality, over 80{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of my experience off campus has been delightfully revitalizing.