Virginia Commonwealth University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Virginia Commonwealth University?


Its a diverse group of students


-Richmond is dangerous -ghetto -people aren't very smart -VCU accepts everyone


We are not all medical student and we art students. We have one of the most diverse campuses around and we have a lot to offer. VCU isn't also just a commuter school. We actually had the largest incoming class of Freshmen last year who lived on campus.


Scenesters are abundant


Ultra-diverse, self-absorbed, Fuzzy, Mega


Living on an urban campus, most VCU students are preemptively assumed to fit the Richmond hipster stereotype. This stereotype includes the following physical characteristics: tight/fitted clothing, cut-off jeans, dyed hair, piercings/tattoos, aviator sunglasses, converse sneakers. Personality-wise, the stereotypical hipster smokes cigarettes, bikes everywhere, and has a generally apathetic outlook on life. The university itself is renowned for it's arts departments, and this creates the stigma that VCU is completely liberal-arts oriented. Because of this liberal-arts perception, VCU is also sometimes looked down upon by some of the more academically-oriented schools.


That all students are art students who have strange hair and wear strange clothes. Also, that they are rich white kids from the west end (a suburb of Richmond)


Always loud,know how to have fun but still manage the 3.5 GPA and always helpful. We do smile a lot also :-) VCU is an urban university,always energetic.It is a university where diversity is the main component.


I don't really pay attention to any stereotypes


They're underachievers.