Virginia Commonwealth University Top Questions

What is your overall opinion of Virginia Commonwealth University?

Is Virginia Commonwealth University a good school?

What is Virginia Commonwealth University known for?


I love the city campus and the really relaxed atmosphere. It isn't secluded in the woods somewhere, there are a ton of things around to do and places to go. You can walk a lot of places but there is also great shopping and places to go just a drive away from campus. One of the most significant things about VCU is the diversity. There are people from all races, religions, and walks of life and everyone talks to everyone. I would hate to go to a school where everyone is...exactly like me.


best thing:knowing which classes to take for your major i'd change: the area or history of the area, richmond isn't somewhere to be proud to be school size: too big people's reaction: "oh, where's that?" spend time: my dorm room college town administration: don't know controversy: taylor behl murder, gentrification school pride: only during basketball season unusual: big school, not very many extracuriculars an experience: freshman orientation frequent student complaints: housing & food aren't great


VCU is home. I did not want to go here at first cause I didn't think it was that prestigious in some academic standpoint, but it really is! It's just as challenging as any other school, but so much more fun. I love the fact that it's more than just a campus, it's in an area that isn't so lively, but isn't so drawn out. It's just right.


Too large. People don't think VCU is prestigious if you aren't studying art, theater, engineering or science. I spend most of my time in the library and the student commons. An experience I will always remember is VCU beating Duke, our home games are very memorable as well (on ESPN). There is a lot of school pride.


The best thing about VCU is it's location. There are so many things to do/see in Richmond. People knock on us because we're an urban school and because it's "unsafe" but that is in no way true. We're probably the safest school in Virginia. One thing I'd change is to GET FOOTBALL. We don't have a football team and I miss being able to go to football games like other colleges. My school is huge--the largest in VA with over 30,000 students. When I tell people I go to VCU they think I live in the ghetto. Most of my time on campus is spent working, if not studying in the library or in the Student Commons. Richmond is pretty much VCU. VCU owns much of Richmond and is slowly rebuilding it, so even though it's not really a "college town" it is slowly becoming one. I don't have an opinion of VCU's administration. I don't remember the biggest recent controversy on campus. We have a lot of school pride in basketball, because that is our main sport. We were CAA Champions last year when we beat George Mason University. We then went on to the NCAA Tournament and beat Duke, who was #2 or #3 at the time. I cherish my time here at VCU and I will always remember the friends I've met and the things I've learned. I've gained a sense of independence living by myself that I believe will benefit me in the future.


The best thing about VCU is that individualism is encoruaged, they have alot of opportunties for the students as far as finanicial aid, student activities and employment.VCU is constantly working on improving the campus. Some things I would change are the freshman dorms and a few acedmic buildings however many new buildings have been added however some needed concerns have been pushed aside. The school is large yet as a student living on campus the school seems more of a close-nit community. When people hear that I go to VCU I get two reactions either that it is a good school or where is that?. On campus I spend most of my time in the student commons. Richmond is not itself a college town but the VCU campus area is very saturated with students due to two universities being in such a close range. VCU administration is very helpful, they actually listen and try to help students. The biggest controversy on campus is going green. Many students want fuel efficient campus vechicles and more recycling efforts. There is a mixed sense of school pride. The freshman are full of pride but the upper classman tend to show pride but just wearing a VCU sweat/t-shirt. But in general people tend to show their colors at basketball games. I will always rememeber my first basketball game. The most frequent student complaints are finanical office(like all schools) and the trouble to meet your advisor.