Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Top Questions

Describe how Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University looks to someone who's never seen it.


Honestly, it almost looks like a medieval-castle-bunker tucked within the lush appalachian mountains. All the buildings are made of "Hokie Stone"- a gray stone mined from within Blacksburg itself, giving the buildings a bit of a castle-like appearance. However, the school is abundant with beautiful trees and gardens, which really provide a stunningly stark contrast to the buildings, painting an overall beautiful campus. It's a pretty large campus, with probably around 50 different buildings, but once you find your way around, it's really easy to navigate throughout. The best part about the school though is the students who occupy it- everyone is unique, with almost-infinitely different styles and interests. However, there is one common link between all students: happiness. Almost everyone I see walking around is always in a good mood, and thats a great thing to see. Smiles are contagious, and that couldn't be more evident here at VT.


Picture Hogwarts with mountains surrounding it. And instead of a Quidditch pitch, there’s the Drill Field where the Corps of Cadets, well, run drills. That’s what Virginia Tech looks like. Every building (well almost, there are some that were constructed in years which the administration felt a different style was necessary) is constructed of “Hokie Stone,” which gives the campus a castle-like feel. It’s truly something you need to experience for yourself.


Picture Hogwarts with mountains surrounding it. And instead of a Quidditch pitch, there’s the Drill Field where the Core, well, runs drills. That’s what Virginia Tech looks like. Every building (well almost, there are some that were constructed in years which the administration felt a different style was necessary) is constructed of “Hokie Stone,” which gives the campus a castle-like feel. It’s truly something you need to experience for yourself.


Virginia Tech is like our Hogwarts, filled dedicated individualistic students who learn from the best-qualified professors surrounded by delicious food and castle-like architecture.


The one word that most easily defines Virginia Tech is community: Following the tragedy experienced here four years ago, the people who populate the campus have become much more than just students and professors, but have become a family, all united within the Hokie spirit.


A university which prides itself in its quality of students, wisdom of faculty, and the neverending opportunities which it provides.


Virginia Tech is the one of the nicest places I have ever been. Most people are very kind and willing to help you with anything you may need. My favorite part is when people hold doors open for me; back at home, I never get that when I am out at malls or restaurants. It always surprises me how uncaring people can be. But VT is the opposite; Tech is my home away from home.


While my school has a large student body, I feel that my advisors and professors really take the time to make sure that each student is personally taken care of and comfortable in their field of study.


Virginia Tech was a diverse, friendly, close school in a great community.


The Hokie Nation is a conglomerate of diverse, spirited, motivated people who are striving to not only better themselves but others in the future by recieving a great education in the present!