Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University!


I think you're going to find that every school has its ups and downs. However, if you're thinking about Virginia Tech you should definitely keep in mind that Blacksburg is a BEAUTIFUL place to live, has a good sized college town and avid Hokie fans and students who are respected wherever they go!


Find a group of cool friends and stick with them if you come here! Your friends are invaluable here just as they were at any other phase of your life.


There is a small LGBT community at Tech. There is a lot of discrimination on and off campus that the LGBT community faces.


I love my school I couldn't have found a better fit for me and my likes...but VT isn't for gotta know at least some of the things you want for yourself in order to select the right school for you....and if all else fails and you didn't make the right decision you can always transfer here!!!


Construction that interferes with commonly used pathways for students should be done over the summer, not the middle of the school year. I would also like to see Tech make a conscience effort to be more environmentally friendly as a campus. I would also like to see more advertisement and encouragement for undergraduate research positions.


Being a Hokie was not what I dreamed of when I was in high school. In fact, I always envisioned myself as a Cavalier at UVA. But, when mono caused me to miss months of school my junior year, I was forced to rethink the direction my scholastic career could feasibly take. I was devastated at the time to know that all my hard work was wasted on a few months lying in bed ill. Not many people would ever say this, but thank God for mono. I enrolled at Virginia Tech hesitantly, not know how a big town girl would be able to transition to small town life. The funny thing is, that never really mattered. Being a student at Virginia Tech is not about what you do off campus, but what you bring on it. A Hokie would never say that Blacksburg was too constricting, but instead say that Virginia Tech could be too opportunistic. A Hokie sees potential in all that they are faced with. I need not reference 4-16, as that day speaks for itself and that day does not define a Hokie. Instead, that day just gave Hokies an opportunity to show the world what this school has known about its members all along. Hokies are diverse, strong, passionate people. I followed the men’s basketball team to Columbus, OH to watch them play in the NCAA tournament. During the first game, a woman covered in UVA attire noticed my Virginia Tech apparel and walked up to me. With the most inquisitive look, she asked, “What’s a Hokie?” I almost laughed to myself. I used to want to be this woman, wear the blue and orange and be a member of her scholastic club. Now I possessed the knowledge that only those who have been a part of the Virginia Tech community can know and understand. I smiled at this stranger, stared her dead in the eye and responded what I now know as the only answer to what a Hokie truly is. Proudly I said, “I am.”