Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University accurate?


Generally, yes




There's possibly a grain of truth to the stereotypes about the student body, but those stereotypes are so broad they may be true about any large group of college students. I mean, there's bound to be at least one Sorbonne rejected, heifer loving, fan of women's tennis at UVa as well. In reality, the amount of diversity is pretty surprising at Tech. You're going to find kids who are here to get messed up before football games, party afterward, and spend Monday morning sleeping off a hang over but you are going to find more kids who are very dedicated to their studies but still know how to make time to enjoy themselves. The most surprising thing however, is the diversity of academic backgrounds. A lot of kids do engineering simply because they know it will make them a lot of money after they graduate but there are many kids who do other majors. We have one of the best undergraduate architecture schools in the nation, a very highly ranked chemistry department, and a large portion of students doing psychology, political science, business, or double majoring in one of those areas. I've also met a lot of very talented and intelligent students here as well. Just because you didn't get a high GPA in high school because you didn't care about doing the homework for AP English in 11th grade doesn't mean you aren't intellectually gifted. On a more personal note, I'd like to throw in that everyone I've met who is not a math major at VT assumes that our math department is excellent. In reality, it is not very highly ranked. I think that goes to show how stereotyped our school is when it comes to academics. There is an instant assumption that VT has excellent engineering, math, stats, etc, but when someone finds out our architecture school was ranked number one last year they give a look of complete shock.


No, about 33{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of our students come from Northern Virginia, which is certainly not rural and "hick." A lot of the freshmen are not bound by a sense of community, like we saw last year at this same school.


Not necessarily. People who come to Virginia Tech work hard to be here and chose to be here, therefore if there are many Caucasian students, then they worked equally as hard as anyone else to attend such a great school.


I would say they are not inaccurate, but not exclusive to the Virginia Tech campus.


As previously stated, these stereotypes are unfair and inaccurate.


Though we are located in Southwest Virginia, the majority of the population is from Richmond or Northern Virginia. This is not to say there aren't a fair amount of southern folks, but nowhere near a majority. There are also many students who come from Northern states like PA and NJ. As for the obsession with football- true.


No, every college has lots of strengths, we have a huge variety of options, it is not just a technical school