I am a Communication major here at Virginia Tech, and although the school is not known for my major, we have a really great program. The teachers definitely know your name if you take the initiative. Just like anything in life, if you don't go for it, how are you supposed to get it. As I get older, my classes get smaller and smaller but if you are in a lecture class, there's no reason for you not to introduce yourself and let the teachers get to know you.
Academics here are very challenging. I have gotten to know several professors on a one-on-one basis, and I think learning is highly valued. However at the same time our moto is "That I may serve" and we all hold that very close.
good classes, easy going professors, lots of lectures
I only have one very large class here at Tech. All of my other classes usually range from 30-40 students. Students for the most part feel comfortable and confident in their academic environment, which I have come to find is an easy place where I can learn to become a more successful student.
-Some of my professors know my name, however not all. A lot of my classes that I have taken have been somewhat large, but I do not mind it! I study several hours a week.
I have small classes, so all of my professors know my name. I think that most students at Tech get a lot out of their major classes, but not from their random electives. I love the English department. It's very small, and it's like a little family. The education at Tech is more geared towards getting a job, but that doesn't mean that they don't also promote learning for its own sake.
Some of my professors know my name, like for my small classes, but not for my larger classes. Students study a lot or not a lot depending on their major, what classes they're taking, what kind of person they are, and what type of stuff they have going on at the time. Some weeks I barely do anything while other weeks I'm pulling multiple all nighters in a row. In small classes, class participation is pretty common but in lectures there is not a whole lot of that. I'm in University Studies (undecided) so I am basically just taking a whole lot of different classes to fulfill requirements and to figure out the subjects I am interested, and disinterested, in. I have until the end of my sophomore year (60 credit hours) to figure it out. I am taking an "exploring careers" class this semester to help me figure out some sort of direction and I think it has really helped me figure out more about myself and what I am interested and might want to pursue.
In the School of Architecture + Design at VT, the professors take spend a lot of individual time with the students. One thing I have noticed, and appreciate, is the time our professors take to make sure we find jobs after school. They really are looking out for our futures.
Virginia Tech's School of Architecture's undergrad program was ranked #1 in the United States this year!
Class size depends on major and class level.
In the architecture department, students have close relationships with professors.
Professors are friendly and would like to have intellectual conversations with students however in the larger lecture classes the student must take the intiative to make that contact.
As I got farther into my major my professors knew my name. It is important to go to office hours to establish a personal relationship.
There have been a few professors that I met up with outside of class and office hours. One professor assisted me in my oversea travels by telling me good places to eat and visit.
It is geared towards learning.