Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Top Questions

What is your overall opinion of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University?

Is Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University a good school?

What is Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University known for?


Virginia Tech has something for everyone. Physically active individuals will enjoy one of the most active intramural sports programs in the nation. The also boasts two fully-equipped gymnasiums which also offer fitness classes ranging from yoga to zumba. Prudent students can enjoy Newman Library's five floors, whereupon they can study alone or among colleagues. Creative minds can roam at InnovationSpace, which boasts an audio studio, professional video cameras, and a computer lab equipped with the latest editing programs and technology. The campus is also within walking distance to an array of restaurants, bars and shops. I'll never forget the countless Friday nights spent watching games with good friends at Sharky's and Big Al's.


The best thing about this school is the support and love you get from fellow Hokies anywhere you go. Everyone who goes here has such love and support for the campus, peers, and faculty. We are like one unit, sort of like a family. There is more school pride than you can imagine! -Although VT is considered a big campus, it doesn't feel TOO big. I remember this was a concern at first for me, but now that I am here it feels just right. The campus is a good size and it is easy to get to classes from wherever you are. The dining halls are EXCELLENT! It is something you hear about often on campus. We have dining halls that offer anything from lobster, to sushi, to steak, to sandwiches, soups, and salads. NUMBER ONE IN THE NATION FOR FOOD! YUM! There are a lot of students but this isn't reflected in class sizes once you get into your major/minor field. Most of my classes are around 20 people which allows for interaction with other students and the professor which I like. At first, in my general classes, I had up to 550 students in my class, which I didn't like, but it gets better once you select a certain field of study. --The only complaint I really hear from students is about how cold it is during the winter. I would definitely suggest purchasing some warm clothing for the winter months! It does get pretty cold in the mountains. It is definitely worth it thought to go to such a beautiful and well liked campus! -- another thing I love about VT is the concern professors have for students to do well. It is apparent that professors know what they are talking about and want you to do well. They are there to help you and teach you. That is one thing I love. It is apparent that most professors have a passion for teaching and enjoy teaching you. In high school, a lot of the time I wondered why teachers were even there, because they seemed miserable teaching us; however, that is NOT the case at VT. Every professor I have had has appeared to love what they are teaching, and the teaching itself.


Because Virginia Tech is a large state school, it offers many different opportunities for its students. With so many different academic departments and student organizations, you can choose from a diverse selection of courses and meet people who share common interests. And most of the classes outside of introductory-level courses have about 30 students or fewer. Most of the student body is enthusiastic about Hokie football and basketball, but being a sports fan isn't a requirement. When you share a campus with thousands of students from all walks of life, you're bound to find people you can connect with--whether it's over sports, music, chess, dance, academics, food... you name it.


This school is the BEST. Hokie pride is everywhere. You can be across the country sporting your Hokie tshirt and from across the way you will here "Go Hokies!" This is the most friendly campus you will find. We hold doors open and smile at others. We have outstanding athletics and superior academics. The scenery is breathtaking. The only thing I would change is the chilly, windy winters. Our school is large in numbers; however, has a small town feel--we are a college town and a small town in one. Though you do not recognize everyone on campus, you feel at ease with them. Most of my time spent on campus is at our exemplar gym. My favorite thing to do is attend group exercise classes, specifically Zumba. Our gym has enthusiastic instructors and classes going all day. The cardio machines even have personal televisions so I can workout while catching up on my favorite shows. Though I may choose the gym, alot of people would select a dining hall--we are ranked in the top of the country. From all you care to eat D2 to dining on lobster at West End, we have all you could imagine.


A lot of people are hesitant about attending Tech because of its size; it intimidates them; they feel as though they’ll be lost in the crowd. Tech’s size can’t be disputed. It is a big school. However, that works to its advantage. Yes, some of the core/lower level classes are large. But once you get into major-specific courses or upper level courses, the classroom size becomes smaller and the teaching becomes student-specific. For example: the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences (CLAHS). Within the college, each major forms around the student’s needs because—though Virginia Tech as a university is large—each major is small and tight-knit. The students have wonderful opportunities to work with Professors on research outside or inside the classroom. In this way, students get the feel of a small college within the setting of a large university—that’s Tech’s biggest advantage. As far as complaints, I believe most students would agree that parking is pretty bad on campus. Not that there’s a lack of it; quite the opposite: there’s an abundance of parking it’s just spread throughout the campus. This sometimes makes for quite a walk. Of course, a little exercise never hurt anyone, right?


I think the main complaint from people who have not attended Virginia Tech is that the school is too big. In my opinion, that is its biggest strength. No matter what school you go to, it is only as big or small as you make it. If you sit in the back of a 200 person class and sleep through class, you will receive no less attention than if you sat in the back of a 20 person class. However, if you go see your teachers and get to know them, school might as well be a private tutoring session in which you get all of the attention you need. Sure your freshman classes will be big, but once you declare a major you will notice that class sizes get significantly smaller, and that by the end of the first week, teachers will know you by name. I came from a high school where my graduating class was only 100 people. I thought coming from that to Virginia Tech would require a significant adjustment, but it really didn't. Every single teacher at this school wants you to succeed and, if you take advantage of the many resources they put at your disposal, you can't fail.


The best thing about Virginia Tech is its school spirit. There is a real sense of pride at the university and students are happy to be here. There truly is a Hokie Nation and its effects can be felt far beyond campus. I do not feel that my school is too large. Although there are tens of thousands of students, I still run into friends and classmates daily. If I could change one thing about Virginia Tech, it would be how rural it is. I like that Virginia Tech is the center of the town, but I would like to have more commercial life, restaurants, shops, and theaters. However, Virginia Tech manages to bring a great deal of life to the small town of Blacksburg, Virginia, making it a wonderful place to live.


Upon first arriving at Virginia Tech, I was unsure if this was truly the place for me. Sure, it was academically revered, affordable, and close to home, but was this really the school I belonged at? However, after only my first month on the beautiful campus, I soon fell head-over-heels with the school. Upon arriving in Blacksburg, your greeted by a beautiful campus nestled in the Appalachian Mountains, fully decked out in "hokie-stone", a beautiful stone used on almost all academic buildings. But the university is much, much more than aesthetics. Professors are extremely knowledgeable, and if a student is ever confused, they will graciously answer your question or point you towards help. Speaking of help, VT offers more help academically than you could imagine; almost all classes have help sessions offered every week, along with departments offering help sessions and tutoring at no cost. No matter your subject of choice, there will be someone to assist you if you don't fully understand. But once academics are done, what's next you ask? Perhaps food? Virginia Tech has been nationally ranked within the top 5 Dining Halls in the entire United States. We have 5 main dining halls, with a few smaller food shops in between. I can promise you that no matter what kind of food you are looking for, you will find it here, and it will be absolutely delicious. Just ask the students eating fresh lobster at the "West End" dining hall. VT also hosts an incredible amount of clubs. Virginia Tech offers more clubs than you could imagine, ranging from various sport clubs, to distinct hobbies and interests, to even a real Harry Potter Quidditch Club. How cool is that? And if clubs aren't enough, there is always something to do if you plan on going out on the town. Downtown Blacksburg has many bars and esteemed restaurants that older students frequent. Virginia Tech is a school that has everything, and there is no reason.


Choosing to come to Virginia Tech is the best decision I've ever made. Although I was rather hesitant at first -- partly because of its size, once you're here, it doesn't seem so big. Sure, it was somewhat difficult at first, so far from home, knowing only a few people, but I got out there and needless to say, I've met some amazing people, had some invaluable experiences, and learned a few things along the way..! Though my impending graduation this spring is exciting and well-earned -- it's going to be hard to leave this place.


Tech is a huge school but it never felt too big. I came from Northern Virginia and people there weren't very nice--always in a hurry, not friendly. The biggest thing I noticed about Tech right away was that people were always so friendly and waved at each other and said hello while passing on the drill field --even people from NoVa turned nice at Tech! The weather in the spring and summer is beautiful, though the winters are pretty chilly which surprised me (I figured it was the south!).