Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Top Questions

What kind of person should attend Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University?


Someone who is energetic, willing to work hard, and isn't stuck up.


Some one that likes the outdoors and cold winters.


The kind of person that attends this school should be one that is very focused academically with high standards and goals and life, and also capable of entertaing themselves when there's not much to do.


I believe the type of person who should attend this school, is someone who is ready to branch off from whatever you are used to in your old city or town and to be ready for a whole new lifestyle. The people are friendly. The football games are ridiculously fun. The weekends are never disappointing. Classes aren't difficult if you apply yourself and the campus is beautiful.


A person who is enthusiactic about what they want out of their future. People are unware of how important their college decision is, so make the right one and go to a school where you are comfortable. Tech offers a comfortable learning environment, excellent academic advisoring, amazing food, and well, a friendly support system which is vital to any college campus.


The kind of students who would benefit most from attending Virginia Tech would be those who are relatively certain about their career paths for the future. Classes, majors, minors (etc) are very specific but, of course, it is common at any school to have those few who feel they may have chosen wrong and wish to change majors. Anyone focused, outgoing, and a believer in a strong sense of community should attend Virginia Tech!


Anyone who strives for excellence and wants to lead our generation into a new era should attend Virginia Polytechnic Instiute and State University.


The kind of person that should attend Virginia Tech is someone who first and foremost loves football and who has a lot of school spirit. Someone who is very friendly and who doesn't mind lending a helping hand. Although the school is beautiful it is in the mountains and kind of in the middle of nowhere therefore the person who would attend this school would be someone who likes a country setting. All in all it is a great school and anyone who really wants to go to this school will adjust regardless of who they are.


Virginia Tech is a great school for all types of students. It may be out in the middle of no where but there's always something to do. I've only met one person who wasn't happy with VT, and she ended up leaving for a year but deciding to come back because she missed it. It's pretty hard not to love it here.


A person who is strong-willed, determined, willing to help the community, and enjoys the outdoors would attend Virginia Tech.