Virginia State University Top Questions

What kind of person should attend Virginia State University?


I think it's a university for all kinds of people, especially those who want to be accepted. It's very gay-friendly and there's not a lot of negative judgement. You'll see people sticking up for each other if they think something wrong is going down. One of the things I love about my HBCU


A person should attend this school if they are looking for a home away from home and a place to get a good education. Someone who attends this school needs to be determined and needs to be prepared for their teachers to push them to their fullest potential.


Let me first say this school is great for anyone pursuing a career in business. Any person who is interested in African American history, should also attend this school, the historic city of petersburg is filled with lots of African American history that occured in that city. This school is very big on school spirit, there's a lovely band who's music will fill the campus and make you move to the beat. Like I stated in the beginning, this school is very big on business as well as engineering.


Someone who is willing to learn thru what ever may be going on around you. Has their priorities straight and is interested in extra activites such as basketball, football, fashion groups, and intramental sports.


All people who would like to attend an HBCU and would like to focus in Business and Music.


A person who wants to participate and be throughly engaged in extra-curricular activities is an ideal person to attend VSU. Virginia State has great programs and activities for everyone to participate in and definitely needs students that want to participate in them. People who have ideas and activities that they would like to introduce to VSU should also come and add their ideas to the VSU community .


The person that should attend this school should be motivated hard working and focused because in order to be the best you must give your best to get the best outcome and experience.


Any person should attend but not every person is succesful. Someone who is willing to do work, study hard and remember that High school is over and thar College is far more serious!! So only a dedicated worker should attend.


A person who stay focused and not et side tracked by anything.


People who are interested in a cultural experience should attend Virginia State University. The school is one of the many HBCU's in Virginia. Also people who desire an exciting social-life as well as a some what strict load of coursework.