Virginia Wesleyan College Top Questions

Describe your favorite campus traditions.


Basketball and academics


Our school is best known for being a small, close community. We have a strong liberal arts program, and a United Methodist affiliation. Some of our professors are also rather well known.


Virginia Wesleyan College is best know for its small class sizes and student to teacher ratio. VWC is also known for its CO-Op with the United States Marshals Service. VWC is also known as being an expensive school to attend, however you pay for what you get.


I think our school is best known for how close everyone is to each other. Everyone is close to everyone. I also think that we are known for our men's basketball team winning the national championship in 2006.


Education Program and Enviornmental Science Program


My school is best known for being a small methodist liberal arts college near the beach. The religious affliations of this school can be seen in this various religious clubs on campus and the prayers before banquet meals. If one does not affiliate themselves with a religion (specfically Christianity) they will find themselves occasionally feeling out of place. The beach draws many students to attend this school but athletes find it hard to find time to go to the beach and relax. When telling a person where this college is located the beach does provide the perfect landmark.


Virginia Wesleyan is best known for being a small school with small classes in a beach setting.


My school, Virginia Wesleyan College, is best known for being a small, tight-knit community. Going to a school that has a small campus allows everyone to develop established relationships with peers and receive the best possible education out there. The small classes allow students to have a wonderful learning experience.


Our school is best known for their business major and our basketball team.


We have beautiful huge fish in our fishtank located in our student center