Virginia Wesleyan College Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Virginia Wesleyan College?


I can't really think of anything particularly frustrating. I have had a very positive overall experience.


That most of the classes that I need are offered in the afternoon. Another frustarting thing is how far the drive is from my house.


Just the cost.


The most frustrating thing about my school is that the Education Department is very small and gets the smallest classrooms in the oldest buildings on campus. When I was completing my undergrad in the Business Department, we had lots of classrooms in new and updated buildings. However, now that I have returned to recieve my license in Elementary Education, I have noticed that this department does not get the same treatment. I am sure that there are less Education Majors than Business, but I still feel like the school could try harder to have more equal spaces.


The most frustrating thing at my school is probably the cost. It is so expensive to go there and I feel like I do not get everything out of it for the cost that it is at. We pay a lot of money, so I feel that the food should be improved, also the living areas. Something in the dorms and other living areas are always breaking and with the amount of money that we pay, the conditions of living should be better.


Honestly, I have not come across anything that has been frustrating at my school. When I need something or have a question I am always able to call or email my advisor and she gives me an immediate response that day.


The fact that people in both the financial aid and business offices are never on the same page is very irritating. It is very hard to focus on school if one has to also worry about money that needs to be paid or esle their meal plan is frozen at dinner.


The only thing that I believe that could be frustrating is the fact that since the campus is so small, everyone knows everything about everybody. If something happens it will spread all over campus like wildfire. This is not always a bad thing but it can be if the information that is spread is not very pleasurable. Just keep your reputation clean and you won't have those issues. Other than that, I find nothing frustatiing about my institution.


The cost and the last minute late fees and things like that.