Virginia Wesleyan College Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


That the campus life is boring and students tend to only associate with people that live on campus.


I wish I would have known about the food options at Virginia Wesleyan, they're very limited.


I would have liked to know some more ways to get involved at Virginia Wesleyan College than before I got there. VWC is a smaller school which does create a nice community but it also means that there are not as many outlets to get involved in. I also wish I had been taught more ways to study in high school before I came to VWC.


I wish I would have know that there was no name brand food court (Such as Chick-fil-A or Subway).


I wish I would have know how to pick and understand what i wanted to major in better.


That many credits wont transfer out to other schools. There isnt many food choices. More about the coach.


Before coming to Virginia Wesleyan College, I was unsure if it was the right school for me. After having completed a semester, I have found that it was everything I ever imagined and still so much more. There were no disappointments for me in the school i chose. I never thought I would say this being that i never liked school growing up, but I even enjoy going to classes. My professors challenge me, but are at the same time willing to help with anything. I am confident that in graduating from VWC I will be prepared for my carreer.


THIS SCHOOL COSTS WAY TOO MUCH. EVERY YEAR IT GETS EVEN MORE EXPENSIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! plus the class you need always gets full so you can never take it until the next year or so. very dissappointing.


I wish I would have known more about the scheduling process. This way I could have made my fall semester flow better.


the school provided me with adequate information relating to what to expect ..